Just had a terrible three days , I am soooo tired and found overnight my breathing went down low, just to move tired me , concentration was low , Has anyone else suffered with the change in weather?
cold weather: Just had a terrible three... - Lung Conditions C...
cold weather

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I hate the cold weather jackie and find that most days I'm not even motivated (or energy) enough to get dressed let alone go out anywhere. Hibernation is a very attractive prospect
Best stay in doors as much as possible but continue to do your exercises. Sitting around is not good for any of us! Were on the home stretch of winter now and things will soon start to get better. yes! forever the optomist. Hang in there Jackie50.
It's been my first COPD winter and although I have not had a cold, let alone anything worse (yet), it does not suit me at all. I find the cold air really does affect me more and I long fr Warner weather.
I don't have the luxury of staying in as I work for myself. I was in Manchester today and it was a 10 minute walk from the station to where I had to go. I would manage that normally, but the cold air had taken my breath away, so I got a taxi.
I hate it.
Lynne xx
I have spent most of today in bed. I can't breathe too good in this weather and I too get extremely tired. We had our emergency buzzers checked today and when the lady came into my room I felt awful as if I was playing truant. She knows my history and said I was in the right place. I did keep up with my breathing exercises and gentle arm movements. I may hibernate and not be seen until summer.
Gina x
Thank you for your answers, I have had to have three days off work so with my normal days off I have been snuggled up on the settee for nearly 6 days, first day back today and shattered.
I am sitting on reception with the door opening all the time, and had the temperature up high and to keep warm
But try explaining to people who don't understand the heavy feeling of shortness of breath and tiredness because of the lack of .
I've always worked outside and still do. I'm out for 4 hours in the evenings in -2 and more sometimes. Last winter the coldest was -10. I find I breathe better in the cold air than indoors. Odd how it affects us differently.
Maybe it's to do with there being a constant temperature rather than hot and cold as with Jackie's reception job.
I have been feeling unusually tired and no motivation at all, just can't be bothered. I am sure it's the weather and am hibernating until Spring and warmer weather, our house is big, draughty and cold. Having the heating on all day isn't an option so have a big log fire in one room so I'm litterally stuck in one room and cannot move around the house which isn't good.
lib x
Oh dear libby. Because my flat windows are old wooden and drafty I can't even afford to heat one room! I have a halogen fire and I put it in front of me. I am confined to my chair and don't move round the room!
Bev x
yes, in this weather don't go out ,i have copd emphysema bronth...,i cough blood not all time in bad weather i jst stay home,i do feel very tired all the time,i stop smoking ,my advice to you don't go out in bad weather giorgio talate
Maybe you need a bit of pruning.
If you do have to go out in the cold weather, the best way to help yourself, is to wear a nice warm scarf and make sure it covers your mouth, as the cold shrinks the airways making it more difficult to breathe, this advice was given to me by my resp. consultant, as we are all different your own gp may advise differently. Usually tho I try not to go out at all when very cold, unless I really have to. x
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