The cataract repair job is now behind me - I trust!
During the pre-op assessment with the Consultant I mentioned I would like a sedative before the procedure, and he happily agreed, so it very obviously wasn’t an unusual request.
About 30 minutes before the op I was given a diazepam to chew up and swallow with water (no horse pill to force down!). Then a nurse sat with me and chatted, distracting me before it was my turn, which was also a great help.
I was pleasantly relaxed without feeling out of control, just a slight awareness of things happening off to the side of me that I couldn’t see, and then it was all over. No urge to cough and the lying flat with a paper shield over my face wasn’t a problem. The sedative effect wore off gently, with a cup of sweetened tea and biscuits, and then I set off in a taxi about a hour later. My eyeball looks like a horror film 😳 but fortunately I can’t see that, and it’ll heal before too long 🤞🎉 2 days later and my sight in that eye is clearing and improving, so I’m very happy.
The other eye will need the cataract sorting in due course, and I’ll definitely be going back to this surgeon again!
Thanks to everyone who replied with suggestions and experiences, buoyed me up and encouraged me when I was feeling wobbly! 🤩🤩🤩