Hi, I was thinking of asking for an Aerobika device as a Xmas present to assist with clearing my lungs. But I’m not sure how effective they really are. I have bronchiectasis. I read you shouldn’t use them if you have blood in your phlegm. I don’t really have this currently but sometimes have streaks of pink from inflammation. I gather they can be attached to a nebuliser; I use an Omcron for 3% saline. I don’t want to spend lots of time every day sucking on a plastic mouthpiece but I do need to shift the gunk in my lungs and steer clear of infections. Can anyone recommend this device? Thanks
Aerobika device: Hi, I was thinking of... - Lung Conditions C...
Aerobika device

I have found this device to be very usefil. Even more than tje aerosure which I had for 10 yrs and is bv expensive. You shoud be able to get it free on the NHS.. Mine was sent to me from the physios at my hospital clinic.
I have bronc and have found my AeroBika invaluable when I have an infection. It really helps to bring the mucus up without straining. I have sometimes had blood in my phlegm, ( not much), but have never heard that using an AeroBika then could be dangerous. You could phone the Helpline to ask about that. As Swizzy says your doctor should be able to prescribe one if he/she thinks it will help. PS. not every device works for everybody, but AeroBika seems to work for most.
Thanks Alberta56, it sounds like something I could use as, despite taking carbocystine and nebulising Mucoclear, it’s still an effort to clear my lungs and the huffing technique doesn’t always work for me. S

Hello Seagully,
Like Alberta56 mentioned, please feel free to call us and we could arrange for you to speak to our clinical team. Our friendly respiratory nurses would be happy to support you and discuss about the management of your Bronchiectasis. We are open Monday-Friday 9.15am-5pm on 0300 222 5800.
Thank you and take care,
Helpline Team
I find this device to be excellent. It is a lot more comfortable to use than the cheap OPEP devices you can buy on Amazon. Make use of the little adjustment lever when you first get it as regular use is key. This year I also bought a device called 'The Breather' which helps develop lung capacity and diaphragm l strength, it's been a game changer for me. You can buy for ~ £25 on eBay (RRP ~£65)
My husband was issued an Aerobika via his community respiratory nurses when his bronchiectasis was first diagnosed some 3 years ago. He uses this each morning prior to nebulising with 3% saline. He has been told my his consultant that he can use this again later in the day if mucus clearance is a problem. He wouldn’t be without this. You shouldn’t have to buy this.
Hi, it's interesting that he was told to use it before nebulising the saline.
I was told to nebulise saline first to loosen the mucus, then do the lung clearance. When I was on nebulised antibiotics I took these after the lung clearance.
It would be interesting to see what order everyone else uses. xx
Nebulise and give the saline time to liquidise the mucus. Then do clearance using breathing tecniques and /or a device. Doing it the other way round seems to be a waste of effort,trying to move the mucus before it has been made more liquid.
I was diagnosed just 8 months ago with bronchiectasis. I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how is your husband now 3 years after diagnosis? Does he get many exacerbations and is still able to be fairly active?
He is doing well now. Had a nasty bacteria which didn’t respond to oral antibiotics so was plagued by chest infections. However spent 2 weeks in hospital having IV antibiotics and is now on Azithomycin three times a week. Fingers crossed all is now going well. He does get breathless but just paces himself. Wishing you all the best and hope you keep well and have a lovely Christmas.
I have bronchiectasis and asthma, my respiratory physio prescribed the Aerobika which I obtained from my GP. You shouldn’t have to buy one. It is invaluable to me. Last year I was coughing quite a significant amount of blood and at no time did consultant suggest stopping the Aerobika. It’s easy to use sitting up or lying down, even on your side and very easy to clean. Ask either your respiratory team or GP for one, mine came the next day from the prescription being issued. Good luck and keep well.
I get bored using the aerobika, which does work, but I have more fun playing the harmonica (does pretty much the same thing) and jumping on a rebounder (trampoline). If I do these things I can shift the brown/pink mucus up/out of the lower cavities. If I don't shift those lower secretions, I'm cruisin' for a bruisin'.
Yes, I can imaging the harmonica playing helps and the jumping. I play a bit of table tennis which I think is therapeutic, but daily better lung clearance would really benefit me and I’ll use any gadgetry that works. I spend 15 to 20 minutes a day using the nebuliser, but find I can read a book or watch tv (with the sound turned up) simultaneously, so I don’t get bored.