After nearly two weeks of doxycycline and things clearing I’ve managed to pick up the nasty bug that’s going around Bad head at first. Then runny nose and sneezing and now back to nasty coughing fits so I’ve decided it’s nasty sweeties time to calm everything. They are amazing though I hate them. Cough already slightly subdued. Wishing you all well lung buddies. Not a great time of year for us xx
prednisolone Time : After nearly two... - Lung Conditions C...
prednisolone Time

So sorry to hear you’ve picked up a bug Anita. I hope the pred works well and you’ll soon feel better. Xxx🤗😘❤️
Watergazer - Snap , I havehad a horrible bug sinse last night, can hardly breath, feeling weak, runny nose .blocked and sneezing, I wish I had some nasty sweeties,, never thought of that.. You are right, not a great time of the year for us at all. Hoping you feel better soon. I always post apainting on a Thursday, doubts I could see the canvas..xx
Sorry to hear this Ern. Hope is passes quickly there ‘s a lot of it about.
I’ve been ill since Saturday and cough only started to escalate a couple of days ago. Everything else seems to be improving. Strange how the steroids have stopped my toothache aswell xx
So sorry the bugs are bugging you. Hope they will soon retreat, with or without the help of the preds.
Thanks Alberta It’s the terrible coughing that is difficult to cope with Fingers crossed I’ll be okay in a few days. Take care x sorry put this in the wrong place hope you’re feeling a bit better today Ern xx
I've never had to cope with really bad coughing- it sounds totally vile. Even when I do have a coughing fit husband will usually get me a glass of water.
Aww lucky you. The cough is usually the worst of my symptoms and I’m not really ill often but when I do I fall badly. Take care xx. To add to my woes I’ve been labelled diabetic after struggling to avoid this for a few years
What a b*****. My husband was told he was diabetic years ago. He does not follow the guidelines (I try to, as far as feeding him goes), but he does not seem any the worse for it. Recently my daughter was told she is prediabetic and sent on a course to learn how to cope with it. The main result seems to me to be upsetting her- I'm not very happy about it. Is there some policy driving this, I wonder?
I was told by a friend that the threshold was lowered a few years ago so more people are now classed as diabetic. I’m not overweight. I walk and look after grandchildren and run round soft play 3 times a week. I also don’t eat cakes biscuits etc. I don’t drink alcohol so I’m fed up with it all. Mine is due to too many steroids and a history of diabetes in the family plus lack of sleep in my eyes. Any way rant over. Thanks for talking xx
I should ignore the diagnosis as far as possible. People on this forum tend to live as healthily as they can and I think it's unfair to lumber them with a judgement which implies that they are no better than fat slobs. (Same with my autistic daughter.)
I was told I was pre-diabetic for some time, then suddenly earlier this year I apparently crossed the threshold and was labelled diabetic, now I'm just borderline again. I'm tiny, weigh under 7 stone and have quite a small appetite. I eat pretty sensibly too, only allowing myself the odd treat now and again. I keep saying to them that it must either be the drugs I'm on or the fact that I can't exercise very much these days. Type 1 aside, I wonder how many of our parents and grandparents had type 2 without it ever being diagnosed or even being a problem. I know health care has moved on, thankfully, but sometimes I think they are too quick to label us with fashionable diseases when all I want them to do is take my lung health seriously.
I quite agree. They're moving the deckchairs around and ignoring the state of the ship.
I’m on those nasty sweets all the time, but it’s my prophylactic antibiotic, Azithromycin, that keeps me clear of colds and chest infections.
Hello Anita. I'm sorry to hear you've not been so well. I find the fluctuations in temperature the hardest at times. It's easier to get sick and it doesn't help that many people are coughing and spluttering around us. I try to wear my mask especially at the hospital and it's a requirement there anyway. I hope you feel better soon and do take care.
Cas xx 🙋♀️🐕
Thanks Cas. Yes a bad time of year to get the bugs I’m sure I acquired this one from a grandchild It’s seems to be rife amongst them They seem to shake it off after 5 days. I’ve started wearing a scarf to pull up around my nose and mouth when I’m out. I’m on the lookout for something better. I hope you’re fairing well You always share good advise. Thankyou. Love to Chom xx🤗
So sorry to hear you've picked up another bug. I hope the nasty sweeties will do their job. Winter's bad enough without germs to cope with. xxx
Thanks Alberta. Xx
Do hope you recover soon watergazer. xx
Hope you feel better soon