I have been diagnosed and treated for COPD since 2008 but recently theres been a vast change since being treated with radiotherapy and biopsy for cancer . Its like the early days before I was treated with my current inhalers . However I am not sure now whether its the cancer treatment or deterrioration in my COPD. Do you all get your mucolityes from your GP to clear the airways of mucus ? I have never needed it before, but the coughing to clear it is making my chest muscles painful. I don't know who I have to consult about it my GP or the Oncology or the respiratory clinic at the hospital. Any tips would be appreciated.
A question re COPD: I have been... - Lung Conditions C...
A question re COPD

I would try you GP first, if Oncology needed, she/he will contact for you. My GP does that and urology for my cancer tell me to contact them or see my GP. Maybe Kaitie - being you have COPD symptom, maybe the best option would be your GP first as she would treat your current COPD type problems.
I'd suggest going to GP first. He/ she knows your whole history, which the specialists may not be so aware of. Then the COPD people. There must be information somewhere about helping patients with COPD who need cancer treatment. Hope you get help soon. xxx
Hi Katie,
Shifting mucous - mmmm can be tricky can’t it ?
Firstly are you drinking enough water ? That thins the mucous making it easier to shift ?
Secondly - has your Resp team talked with you about how to shift mucous ? Huff technique and so on ? You could talk to the Resp physios about it ?
Thirdly, you could ask your GP about a mucous thinner ? Something like Carbocisteine ?
I use all three things - take Carbocisteine twice a day, have done for years.
Let us know how you get on Katie.
Go well
Hi Katie any changes can upset your body in strange ways and sometimes you may only need the medication for the interim. I get my mucolyte medication from gp currently nacsys 600mg effervescent tablets or acepiro effervescent tablets is the normal ones prescribed for me.I hope you feel better soon
So sorry to hear you have more problems to deal with Katie. I would contact your gp as they will know your history. I have heard that the nacsys 600mg is good for shifting mucus the Carbocisteine didn't work too well for me. Hope you feel better soon x
Hi Katie I am in a similar position. I finished radiotherapy 3 weeks ago and am Finding my mucus has increased. I do have carbocistine which I've taken for about 2 years and this helps. When I was first diagnosed with lung cancer the mucus was dark green due to continuous infections but now is almost back to the opaque colour it used to be before all this kicked off. In my mind I have reconciled the fact that myu lungs have been through the mill and are bound d to be affected in some way although i am keeping a close eye on it. Some days are better than others I agree you should try carbocistine and see if this helps. Hope you feel well soon . X
Thank you glad its not just me, like you I realise my lungs have been through significant trauma but feel like I have come full circle back to square one, then left at home to deal with it on my own. Have to be careful of pain in the lung area could be pnuemonia due to radiotherapy. Feels like my whole lung is congested, only thing thats good is its clear mucus so might be the heat or pollen count. I've been told by respiratory that my lung tests are normal for me, no worse . x
Hi just a quick observation.....I had a dull ache in myower lungs fir about 3 weeks after radiotherapy and then over a few days it gradually cleared up. I assumed it was fue to the Radiotherapy. Hope this helps if it continues speak to your ontology teamBest wishes x
I have an appoinntment with oncology on Monday morning, as my lungs are a bit too painful but no signs of infection so I am now guessing its radiotherapy inflammation . Only other thing it could be is plueresy or worsening of COPD or lung cancer . Soon be sorted as its not improving. But thank you for your replyxx

Hi katieoxo60
If you would like to chat about treatment options with our Clinical Team- do feel free to give us a call -
Take care
Helpline Team
I hope you get sorted and feel better
hi katie12 yrs ago l had radiotherapy for breast cancer approx a year later l was told l have copd and emphysema and yes there are connections to having copd after radio ...the radio targets also your organs which is the lung which is the largest organ in your body ......l have since had lobectomy due to lung cancer same side has the breast cancer and radio ......coincidental it may be who knows ?
Have to agree it may be one of several things including coincidental to having radiotherapy. It does warn of the side effects of SABR on the consent form but we are advised not to have too many radiological tests in a short period due to cancer risk. I would think COPD would put you at higher risk of side effects if you already had it before cancer. I have also had a lung biopsy to confirm cancer , which is another invasive proceedure on damaged lungs as well as the risk due to high blood pressure so I guess all things considered I am still doing well to spite slight rise in blood pressure often caused I am informed by the lung biopsy to do with penetrating the lung wall. My biopsy could have been done by a safer means I was advised but broncoscope with brush biopsy has its own risks as do all interventions in your body . You are agreeing to intervention having been informed of the rare side effects or risks. Its all a mystery don't you think. ? There will always be someone who does not fit the normal outcome.
Re radiotherapy - I had 25 years ago for breast cancer - last year diagnosed with Grade 4 lung cancer caused by radiotherapy! I have also had COPD since 2016 - cancer inoperable/no radiotherapy, have had chemo/immunotherapy, now on immunotherapy - still here thanks to the Marsden.
Thanks for reply younginmind, I was not informed that my COPD could be affected by radiotherapy for cancer only found out since the treatment was done. Just like the effects on blood pressure when penetrating the lung wall for biopsy. Hey ho I'm still here too just a bit worse for wear and still got more than one cancer according to my records. With no suggestion of future treatment so far. Copd is a little worse but that can happen with some pills too. Onwards & upwards as they say.
It was the radiotherapy caused the cancer. Have no idea why I have COPD, only know it's not getting better! - it's just something you live with.
Radiotherapy apparently can cause COPD of the lungs or make it worse ,just like it can cause cancer many years later. COPD is chronic obstruction of the airways and is mainly blamed on smoking as is lung cancer but people who have never smoked can get either. Unfortunate facts of life. I never sit out in the sun but have had skin cancers twice. Sadly younginmind, COPD is a chronic illness but with care you can live to a ripe old age. Keep well as can be xx