Well, will Be taking herbal sleepers in a while. Will let you know tomorrow if they work. Probably sooner if they don't.
good night all.
Well, will Be taking herbal sleepers in a while. Will let you know tomorrow if they work. Probably sooner if they don't.
good night all.
good night sian hope you get some sleep janx
Night night let's hope you get sweet.dreamsx.
I would love a good nights sleep but Doctor told me not to take anything as she was concerned my breathing would go too shallow.
Glad they worked for you.
take care
polly xx
I thought of taking them are they called nightall
Please let us know how you get on and the name of the Herbal Sleeping Tablets. Thank you.
Keep Smiling or in my case Keep Twinkling.
Sleep well everyone.
Love and Hugs
Twinkling Star
I've found boots sleepeaze helpful. Or nytol but I think they have to be the blue nytol. tesco also do their own. Basically if they contain diphenhydramine hydrochloride then they're reasonably good IN THE SHORT TERM. I haven't had breathing problems with them even though my doctor doesn't like me to take prescription sleeping tablets because of suppressing breathing.
Yes they can cause breathing problems and can make your mouth dry too. Had no problems with these herbal ones called "Sleep Aid". Think I either bought them in Savers chemist or Superdrug.
Personally I think drs are far too cautious about this. Unless your lung function is severely depressed, my two pharmacist friends, one of whom is head at a large hospital, say it's fine. Going without sleep on a regular basis isn't very good for you, affects your resistance to infection. My gp who I trust absolutely is happy to prescribe zopiclone 7.5mg occasionally. He knows I just take it for 3-5 days to re-establish my sleeping pattern. He even said it was fine to take 2 at a time, though I never have.
Tend to agree! I think my current GP keeps the zopiclone firmly locked in a private vault π
I had no benefit from Nytol so followed a HU recommendation for Sominex which is also OTC. Very very effective tho I was unprepared for the hangover the next morning!!
I took sleep aid which is also herbal. I think the hangover was more to do what having little sleep for the other two nights. Took it last night and I am fine this morning. Herbal tends not to give you the hangover. So far it works.