Hi all, I was diagnosed with CLL 5 years ago, and am now ready for treatment. Soon after I was told this I was diagnosed with 'Bells Palsy'
After ten days of Steroid treatment, which did not help, I was sent for an MRI scan, which showed a small tumour in my neck, which I was told was on the move from my Mandible to my Skull base.
I as told that it was not curative, but palliative, and that an operation was out of the question due to my age and medical history.
I have had two biopsies in an attempt to identify and reach the tumour, which were unsuccessful. I was then transferred from my local l hospital to a bigger one, which deals these matter. and have been allocated a MDT (Multi Disciplinary Team).
I also obtained a 2nd opinion regarding my 'Bells Palsy' and Tumour. I was told by my new ENT man, who has treated me before, and knows my history. He thinks that I do in fact have 'Bells Palsy', and this could mean that the Palsy was not caused by the tumour.
He has arranged another Biopsy by a Radiologist, experienced in challenging neck tumours. Once, or if we get a result, will be able to determine if the tumour is cancerous, and if so, if aggressive. He also told me that an operation was possible but the risks may outweigh a good outcome.
My CLL treatment has been put on hold until the tumour issue has been resolved.,
I have had a few virus's and infections, an X Ray, and a full body cat scan shows that I also have a small Bronchiectasis, which I am told is a form of COPD. I was seen by a consultant who went over in detail, on the Scan. He seems to think that it is manageable, and has advised me to send in sputam samples if I have more than three days of green or yellow phlegm.
I have presently a viral infection, and was given a course of Antibiotic, as my GP though it may have been a Bacterial Infection. The results of the 'Sputam' tests does not show this, but she has given me a box of Antibiotic, as a safety net, if needed in the future.
Having CLL is a concern for me, as we are told to avoid Chest Infections particularly. I am also informed that Viru's of this kind could be responsible' for Bells Palsy' also.
I would be grateful to hear from anyone who has had similar experiences of this, or has any views on the subject.as it is new to me as I was only informed recently.
All the best to you all.
, t