Hello, I'm new here. My name is Karla and I'm from Pennsylvania. My husband had a ct scan on Dec 18th to check on a pleural effusion caused from pneumonia he had in April of 2017. He was then referred to a pulmonologist. That appt was on Dec 28th. The doctor said the effusion was small and had hardened but no infection so he was just going to observe. He showed us the ct scan and pointed out that there was "just a tiny bit of emphysema" on the top of his lungs (he was a former smoker). Said he wanted to do a breathing test to make sure the pleural effusion wasn't causing breathing issues. My husband wasn't having any issues whatsoever but ok.
We had an hour between the doctor appt and the breathing test. So we went and ate a big dinner. The lady that coached him through the breathing test was pushy and he wasn't sure what to expect or how it would feel. Got through that. The next day the doctor called my husband and told him he scored low on his breathing test. He said, "It looks like you have a touch of copd. Nothing to be concerned about." He prescribed him an inhaler (annoro elliptis) and told him to try it and see if it helped.
I have been a panicky mess ever since. All I can think about is that he's got something that is going to kill him and there's no cure. I don't know what to do, how to think. I'm scared to death. I'm not even sure the test was completely accurate. I can't get a full breath when I eat as much as we ate that night either. I don't know how much that can affect results but I know it has to somehow. And, why did the doctor tell him it was nothing to worry about?????
I just need some rays of sunshine here. I know there's no cure but I'm thinking the worse. Can anyone tell me you can live a long time with this? We're both on a ketogenic diet, and we go to the gym every night of the week. He rides 6 miles on the bike. He has no symptoms at all.
Thank you!