When on Doxycycline I was aware that sunlight should be avoided and a recent post by Mellywelly mentioned making the skin go brown and patchy. I have noticed this recently during the hot spell even though my time in the sun is limited and I am not taking Doxy. I do have quite a list of other medications for heart problems, blood thinners and beta blockers, as well as diuretics and thyroid medication so I presume one of these is the cause.
Medications that react with sunlight. - Lung Conditions C...
Medications that react with sunlight.

Quite a few medications are affected by the sun - Doxy - I also have a drug for my heart rhythm "Amiodarone" not safe to have much sun with that.
I take Thyroxine 125mg daily with no problems - in fact the Amiodarone doctors say probably destroyed my thyroid.
Which blood thinners do you take Tykelady ? I take Rivaroxaban for AF and Valve problems, gotta take care soon bleed and no antidote, doctors can help but no antidote .
Hard to say what's causing your skin go brown and patchy - Any drug can react.
Good luck.
Thanks for that info. I take edoxaban? for blood thinners and my beta blocker is good old bisoprolol. However compared to you I am one of the luckier sufferers I think. Keep up your positive and inspiring posts.
According to the BNF (bnf.nice.org.uk), both edoxaban and bisoprolol commonly causes skin reactions, and this may not be associated with sunlight.
I’ve taken Doxy a few times and always keep out of the sun so can’t tell you what reaction to expect. Luckily I’m not on any other long term meds other than various inhalers for pulmonary issues. All the best.
I've been on doxycycline for 20 yrs. One a day. They make me sensitive to heat but have not caused any skin conditions.
The only problem I have is they upset my stomach. They never used to. I try and take one early morning 6am ish with a pint of water. Most of the time this prevents any problems.