Costaplenti...Being Ill That Is... - Lung Conditions C...

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Costaplenti...Being Ill That Is...

30 Replies

Would it be classed as abuse if I threw my laptop at Himself's head...?

Just thought I'd ask...

It's beginning to dawn on me that being ill costs a horrible amount of money...the condenser thing has made our electricity bill shoot up in an alarming fashion...we're so careful about the leccky but having the machine on for twenty-four hours a day...except when we go out...has cranked the quarterly bill up to eye-watering amounts.

Then there are the supplements...Vitamins and such-like and Manuka Honey, which is totally revolting and heaven only knows why I take it when it makes my teeth rattle...there's the prescriptions as well...we do have a Medical Card but still need to pay some towards the cost and my drugs come in a huge carrier bag stuffed to the top...

Petrol to and from out-patients clinics and the cost of parking in the hospital car park...there are never any spare places for disabled badges...and I simply have to go to the fabric and wool shop after appointments because it cheers me tend to be a grumpy old git when faced with the clinic nurse, who has a face like a bag of dead cats and keeps saying 'we' in, 'could we please sit on the scales'...I'm going to dribble next time I go and tell her I've wet my knickers...might drop the oxygen bottle on her sensible shoes for good measure...

Food prices are increasing anyway, but now I've given in and admitted defeat over cooking everything from scratch and have started buying oven ready food, that's another cost to be taken into consideration.

And I have to have the sitting room really warm otherwise I shiver and sit about whinging 'cos I'm cold and have to have a hottie bottle to put my feet on...'It's quite mild out' announces Himself, as he leaves the back door wide open and an icy draught cuts my ears off and I swear under my breath and wrap my shawl round my shoulders...

There are the incidentals which make a difference...the Oxymeter to see if you still have a pulse...the exercise gadgets that mean you don't need to swathe yourself in scarves and hats and gloves to keep your skinny little legs working...then there is the hand-wash stuff and the spray for door knobs and loo seats and proper workmanlike masks for if you are brave or silly enough to tackle painting or sanding...there's the stuff to squirt up your nose and Eco cleaners cost twice as much as anything stuffed full of seriously dubious chemicals...

And your meagre wardrobe becomes a matter of huge importance when you drop three dress sizes and everything you own simply swamps you and looks silly...

We need hobbies as well 'cos otherwise we'd slump into the slough of despond...and hobbies cost money. Rooting about in skips to find a piece of furniture to up-cycle isn't terribly practical so we need stuff we can get over the net or we plough money into sites like Ancestry...

Being ill 'ain't no joke...even less of a joke when the leccky bill plops through the letter-box.

The photograph is of our street...where the white stones are is a mass of Daffodil's in the spring. The opposite side has Ox-Eye Daisies and Wild Marjoram and clumps of early Bee Orchids...there is vivid yellow Sedum and Fairy-Cup Lichen and tiny brown Field Voles live in the gaps in the old wall...further down, where the trees begin, is a Blackthorn bush heavy with Sloes in the Autumn. Then come the briars, laden down with Blackberries.

30 Replies

That would be classed as abuse to Laptops and I would have to report you to the RSPCL :D

You live in a very beautiful spot :)

in reply to

Suppose it would...big temptation

It's very peaceful...

hufferpuffer profile image

Mmm being sick is not cheap, everything seems to costalota, I sometimes would also like to throw my laptop in the direction of the big fella, who has come back from work with manflu, the photo and thoughts of spring :) .hugs huff xxx

in reply to hufferpuffer

Man 'flu? Keep away from him!

DozyDormouse profile image

I think you may get away with that one but depends if you want to use it again. Do you not get any help with leccy bill because of oxy? I know Southern Ireland is different but had not realised how different.

So the upshot is it costs money to be ill and when you are you don't know how you found the time to work.

Take care the mouse is sending a huge warming hug that goes from the tips of your ears to the tips of your toes and feels like you are wrapped in softest warmest eiderdown ever

love Dozy x x

in reply to DozyDormouse

Nope...we don't get any extra help...even worse if you have a decent pension, then you have to pay the full cost of your meds...that would include my portable oxygen!

Thankyou ever so much for the warming

Don't you have DLA or PIP there vashti, or something similiar where you can apply to get extra money? Or don't they have that in Southern Ireland? You live in a lovely spot. x

in reply to

No...all we get is a travel pass...and there aren't any 'buses!!

What a beautiful photo,could just imagen the flowers in Spring.

Yes,unfortunately,wherever you are,sickness always brings heavy bills.Unfortunately,throwing the Lappy,will only give more expense lol!

Just love your posts xxxx

in reply to

Thank you

It's not a question here of ME throwing the lappy at my other half, it's more a question of HIM throwing his lappy on the floor "because this d*** thing won't do what it's told" !! Do so love your stories. xx

in reply to

Oh Himself does that as's usually something he's done to

bulpit profile image

Morning Vashti,Lovely picture, In England,when you use Concentrators you get a certain amount of money towards the extra cost,I believe the doctors practice that you use is charged for the cost. I am not sure how it exactly works.For the last year my husband was on oxygen he was given 248.00. In the last weeks of his life we had 4 Concentrators, 2 upstairs and 2 downstairs, each two were linked together so he could have 15 litres per minute. Very hard being ill and much worse if money is tight, With your skills you could try approaching magazines who may print your stories. good luck, Very best wishes to you and himself (even tho he's not in your best books at the moment)' Bulpit

in reply to bulpit

I've been buying the Irish mags to read and see what they wishes to you too Bulpit xxx

Jolyn profile image

Yes, sadly, being ill is costly...sigh and all those medications are no fun at all are they.

What a pretty area you live in vashti....I'll have half a dozen of those eggs on sale please. :-D xx

in reply to Jolyn

The photo is a couple of years old...poor chickens were gobbled up by Mink...

When it's ur hubby I don't think it's abuse lol great read yet again. X Sonia xx

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to

Laughing at Sonia's

in reply to

I'll remember

Nikkers profile image

Thank you for my daily chuckle Vashti. It looks beautiful where you live - I'm very jealous! I know how you feel about the cold, I'm the same. I have a very small house (rabbit hutch, I call it) and there are no doors, other than to the bathroom and a bi-fold one to my bedroom, so I decided a couple of weeks ago to buy some. I'm thinking maybe it'll isolate the cold to the areas I'm not using? Now comes the job of hanging them! They're heavy and although I've always been an avid DIY'er, not too confident about this one. Gonna give it a go though, 'cos I can't afford to pay anyone to do it.

I'm going to save your picture, it's lovely. XX

in reply to Nikkers

Have you any of those people who volunteer their services? They're properly vetted and everything so you wouldn't be inviting a mad axe man into your 'rabbit hutch'...there might be someone who could hang your doors for you...

I'll take some more when it's warmer...

Nikkers profile image
Nikkers in reply to

No worries Vashti. I managed to hang one of the doors today, so not as decrepit as I thought I was. Lol Was quite difficult on my own, but very satisfying! I'll try another in a couple of days.

I'll look forward to your pic's. I've tried lots of times to put some on here, but it insists that I need to download Google Chrome, which is daft as I already have it!? Oh well! XX

sassy59 profile image

You never know when you might need the laptop so don't throw it vashti and anyway what would it cost to repair? You are right, being ill is very costly. We seem to have the heating on a lot as Pete gets cold too. You do live in a beautiful area and hope you get to have some fresh eggs. Take care xxx

in reply to sassy59

And our local PC shop is rubbish at repairing anyway...they stand behind the counter with their mouths open...doesn't give you much

holly17 profile image

vashti I really enjoyed your rant it made me sit up and think should I feel sorry for you or chuckle, so in the end I did both but the chuckle won in the end and I must say, the view of the area you live in reminds me of parts of Devon where I live as I have the best of both the seaside and the moors, not that I walk far now, please write more I will be following. xx Fred

in reply to holly17

Thank you very much Fred...we're only thirty miles from the wild Atlantic ocean...beautiful there but we only go in the warmer weather!

I am hoping it will be at least 4 years 3 months and 10 days before I am sick enough to need extra money as I am brassic until I can get my state pension! Until then I will have to manage with turning the heating off, buying food to fill me up rather than 'healthier food' which usually costs more, and watching every penny like a hawk! :( x

Shirat1 profile image

I haven't discovered how to view the pictures but oh, how I enjoy reading all the discriptions of life in Ireland and the UK. It like taking a journey to visit all of you. I wish I hadn't gotten Ill and old as my son is a pilot for Delta and I could travel very reasonably but such is life!! Lol Besides, I'm really afraid of flying!!

butter-fly profile image

What a truly lovely place you live in. So natural. Have to say I'd much prefer that to the Dallas style abodes that sadly have sprung up all over our green island.

Keep writing.

Oh Vashti that tale would have been hilarious if it was'nt so damned true! The street you live in looks lovely, i'm a country gal myself now and i love it.Love Kin Xx

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