I joined this group some two months ago, soon after being been diagnosed with underlying asthma. At that time, I had been prescribed Forstair 100/6 and have tried the pressurised inhaler and NEXThaler fine powder options, both of which evoked horrendous side effects of hoarseness, dry mouth ulcers and mucus overproduction. The responses I received from forum members were reassuring and most welcome.
I met with my respiratory Consultant for the first time at the end of February. In addition to confirming my diagnosis to be late onset asthma (I am 63) my prescription was changed to Relvar Ellipter 92/22 in an attempt to address the side effects issue. I was also allocated a Respiratory Nurse to provide support in monitoring the inhaler, given my reaction thus far.
Since then, I have been prescribed Fobumix Easyhaler and Combisal 25-125, both of which have evoked the same constellation of side effects that I have experienced from the outset, particularly inflammation of the mouth and throat and severe hoarseness, such that I can hardly speak.
Clearly, I am concerned at the situation in which I find myself, not only at the onset of asthma, coming as it has so late in my life, but more particularly at the chronic side effects of the medications that have been prescribed to control the condition. The medications I have used thus far, comprised of 2 active components, a bronchodilator to relax the muscles in my airways and a corticosteroid to reduce and prevent swelling and inflammation in my lungs. I fear that as I have already tried four different types of such medication, it is likely that my response to others will be the same. In absolute terms, the side effects I have suffered are far worse than the breathing difficulties linked to the asthma itself.
I would welcome any observations linked to my experience thus far.