Hope you are all well - Have posted a space painting, sorry for the poor light exposure, had to take it in garden to get any light at all, been same all summer.

Stunning colours Ern and it looks great. I really like it. Xxxx
Thank you Carole - lots of Color in there - Violet, Magenta, Yellow. Phthalo Green, Brown, Titanium White and Purple. Orange was a mix.
Enjoyed doing it but I think I need a camera other than a smartphone, to let more light in, took this in garden with what was left of light.
I like this kind of painting, lots of options to create.
Going to take a sketch book to Blackpool, in case anything of interest - the other night the sky and clouds lit up with lightning, no thunder though.
I think your paintings are very good Ern and you've managed to get the light right I feel.
Good idea to take a sketch book to Blackpool as you never know. Have a good time. Xxx😘
Thank's - Maybe i am being over cautious. I often take a sketch book out - I like to draw when Anne goes to buy her cactus, she takes ages,so I sketch in the car. I will sure try and have a good time weather is so so but looking, they are times when weather will be fine.. Xx
Wow! Great composition, and I love the way you've varied the different shades and tones of pink. Enjoy Blackpool! 👍👍
Love the way you use colour, Ern and the sense of depth you get in your paintings, too. I’m particularly drawn to the planet on the left. Really like the varying tones you’ve created on that one. Hope you and Anne have a lovely time in Blackpool and you get some more inspiration for your sketchbook xx
Thank you -i like the left planet - The one on the right was going to be harder to place, wish I had done a nebula instead . Light in England at the moment not good for these kind of pic photos - poor light I may buy a camera in Blackpool smart phones are not that good in low light conditions. xx
I think that would be good in any light or exposure chook. It's really cracking. It's weird as it makes you want to keep staring at it 🤣
Very atmospheric Ern. As for the sun, it would be nice to see some before winter. x
Hi Ern, great painting again. This is one where each time I look I notice another small detail. I also love the fact that because you show a bit of the surrounding landscape where you've placed the picture I feel I catch little glimpses of your life, which is lovely 🙂.
Love Yr colours Ern.stunning landscape too.if Yr in Blackpool late enough,seen some stunning sunsets from the prom x
Wow! Interesting to look at, but I don't think I'd like to live there. It's got me thinking. xxx
I get a planet with suns and moons?