Lung Cancer Treatment: I have just been... - Lung Conditions C...

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Lung Cancer Treatment

Spinacheater profile image
29 Replies

I have just been diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. To be precise I have T3 N2 MO, I have been prescribed the following treatment plan :

Approximately 6 weeks (5 days a week) of Radiology, followed by 3 courses of Chemotherapy (with the following drugs Cisplatin, and Vinorelbine) followed a year or so of Immunology. That seems excessive to me and very expensive. Has anybody had experience of any or all of these treatments. If so can they give me an idea of what to expect and hopefully the best way to handle so much intrusion. Also share the side effects you may have experienced.

Although I am quite positive regarding my cancer. I was reluctant for a while as I was quite eager to postpone any treatment so as to investigate alternative treatments. Also my partner has been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and will be starting chemo on the 19 July/

But have slowly come around as I read some where that radiology may help me with the constant pain. Does anyone have experience with Radiology and pain.

I start my treatment on 24 July at North Middlesex Hospital. Does anybody have experience of radiology at this hospital.

Any advise, thoughts or pearls of wisdom would be greatly appreciated


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Spinacheater profile image
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29 Replies
Ern007 profile image


I have got Bladder Cancer G3 which means it's aggressive. as far as I know, I am still stage 1, but D3 can change that.

My treatment started with a TURBT - That is a tube passed direct into bladder, and they take away the tumor,

With hight grade bladder cancer G3 means it can and likely to return or spread.

I have had Chemo but not " Cisplatin" but one direct into bladder called an Intravesical chemotherapy called 'mitomycin'

I have "BCG" immunotherapy direct into bladder,

I have not had ' Radiology' as they say it won't penetrate the bladder. So I can't answer your question.

I found Chemo kept me from spreading for a year, they have not given it to me sinse.

Same with BCW - It seems to have slowed it all down, but my cancer remains aggressive - I start a new course of BCG 5th August.

I found the BCG fine - My chemo was fine but, it was put direct into my bladder, so that could have made a difference.

Lung Cancer. 3 years ago it was thought I had lung cancer as I had a change to my apex. but that was put down thw scarring.

Last year i went for BCG treatment and oncology nurse said "can't have it" a 6mm growth was found on my lung , The lung specialist was not worried so my treatment started again.

I had at least 8 CT scans with contrast and a PET SCAN in fact the change had spread to right side - I got a phone call telling me that.

To end with Radiology - Chemo and Immunology that should help,

keep being positive, it's the only way .

Take Care

Spinacheater profile image
Spinacheater in reply to Ern007

Thanks for your prompt response. you information was very precise and very useful . Thank you once again good luck with your treatment. Have you heard of the Care Oncology Clinic mentioned in Jane Mclelland book How to Starve Cancer ?

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Spinacheater

Your welcome - No I have not seen that. I will look, every time we eat though. I have read though that eating a high fat diet low in carbohydrate, glucose levels will be low and cancer cells can't use ketones. True or not I don't know.

Link below.

Coolcat6103 profile image

Hi, I don't have lung cancer but COPD, however I have been looking into aromatherapy oils ....check out clove oil. Said to be extremely powerful against lung cancer. Always says more studies are needed......yet they never do any more studies!! Look into vitamin B17 that's also very interesting .......however it's illegal in the UK, (which I also find very interesting) but the information is very intriguing. Lots of information on a platform called about b17. I'm not a doctor but I'd say try anything you can. My father has cancer, he didn't have the chemotherapy because his cancer was incurable and he didn't want to be ill. He has one week of radio therapy and decided that if it couldn't be cured he didn't want anymore. He's still here a year later. He's still managing on co codamol. Definitely look into that clove oil, I burn it in an atomiser along with thyme, frankensence murrh, and olbas oil. Clove is an excellent pain reliever too. Good luck and I will definitely be looking into that book on starving cancer.

Spinacheater profile image
Spinacheater in reply to Coolcat6103

Thank you I shall look on the website you mentioned, But I am always a little cautious about ideas that have no medical connection. How are coping with your COPD? Good luck

LissacFrance profile image

Good luck with the treatment. Unfortunately there are very few if any alternatives. Hope that all goes well, Chris.

Spinacheater profile image
Spinacheater in reply to LissacFrance

Thank you yeah I dont think there are many more alternatives. Have a great day

Nimrod2 profile image

Hi please contact Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundatin. They are the experts on lung cancer and really helpful and supportive. They have lots of information and an advice line. They have a group on Healthunlocked which you can search for. I wish you and you partner all the best as you start on your treatments.

Spinacheater profile image
Spinacheater in reply to Nimrod2

Thank you I will definitely look into Roy Castle ,

Izb1 profile image

I am so sorry to read your post Spinacheater what alot you have got going on, dealing with you lung cancer is hard enough but dealing with the cancer your wife has at the same time must be very hard for you. Please get as much help as you can. I cant offer any advice but wanted to wish you well and hope you have plenty of family and friends around to offer support x

Spinacheater profile image
Spinacheater in reply to Izb1

Thank you for your kind wishes, will try to follow your advice about getting help. Thanks once again

Kind regards

LanarkEric1949 profile image

Hi Spinacheater,In Oct 2008 I was dxd with NSCLC,my treatment plan devised by my multi disciplinary team was 4 cycles of Chemo using Cisplatin and Vinorelbine,Following two cycles of Chemo I would be scanned to discover if my tumour had shrunk in size which would allow me to have surgery to have the tumour removed.Following the two cycles my tumour had significantly shrunk to allow surgerMy oncologist did advise me that radiotherapy or surgery were both as effective in dealing with this tumour.I opted to have the Upper Right Lobectomy route,so in January 2009 I had my surgery,which was completely successful.This Oct I will have survived LC 15 years

I was anxious at the very outset of receiving my treatments,but I have to say I sailed through chemo and surgery with only minor discomfort post surgery,but the chemo part passed without any discomfort

I wish you every successful with your treatments

Spinacheater profile image
Spinacheater in reply to LanarkEric1949

Thanks for taking time to write, I am not a candidate for surgery as the tumor has infested my 2nd and 4th ribs. So radiology , chemo and immunology is my only route

Spinacheater profile image
Spinacheater in reply to Spinacheater

sorry have not finished what I wanted to say accidentally pressed the reply button. I wanted to congratulate on your almost 15 years of survival. Has your life changed in any way after your treatment. What are you doing to stay healthy?

Thank you for once again for taking the time to reply. Have another 15 years and more of successful survival, All the best

LanarkEric1949 profile image
LanarkEric1949 in reply to Spinacheater

Hi,Post treatment and a short rehabilitation period I returned to my GP for a return to work.His response? Why don't you take some quality time out with your family since you have only two years left max You know I once had a patient with Lung Cancer,he lived for five years,what a character he was,but you are not him.I send this GP a anniversary card every five years to let him know I am still here.

I returned to my post as a Senior Lecturer in a Glasgow FE College.When I entered my classroom my 3rd year students were being taught by a stand in lecturer.When my entry was spotted by one of my students,he asked me if I was here on a visit.No I replied I have returned to take over my class again.There was a spontaneous round of applause from students which I can still hear today which at the time brought a lump to my throat

Today I have enjoyed every single day of my survivorship.

4 years ago I started to develope some breathing issues and was long story shortened,Dxd with COPD.I do follow a a treatment regime of inhalers and gym exercise and still maintain a good quality life style.

I am happy to share with you any further posts with you if you wish.

Good luck with your treatments

Jaybird19 profile image

there was an item on radio 4 last week about a man who had a number of cancers and was given a year to live so he accepted the offer of this immunology/oncology treatment and lasted over 10 mins and he has been cleared . he spoke himself . it was at about 5,45pm R4 and laster about 10 minutes . sorry cannot remember the day but will try to find it /there is a doctor named christian ossen mieir? based at liverpool. ( that name is not quite)right . i wi ll find it and correct it . best of luck with the treatment . it does sound so positive.

why not a general vaccine for these cancers to prevent them ever getting hold, is work being done on that ?.

name is Christian Ottensmeier. have checked it now

Spinacheater profile image
Spinacheater in reply to Jaybird19

thank you for your time replying I will certainly look it up on catch up. It would be nice if there was one vaccines to cure all cancers. maybe in the future? I think being positive is crucial when facing any thing like this. Have a good day,

sassy59 profile image

Hi Spinacheater, I have had surgery for endometrial cancer just over three weeks ago. It was a full hysterectomy and I’m due to begin radiotherapy treatment soon at QA Portsmouth. I’m remaining positive and hope my cancer never returns.

I wish you and your wife all the very best with any treatment. Good luck to you both. Xxx

Spinacheater profile image
Spinacheater in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy 59 Thanks for taking the time to reply. How did the hysterectomy go , how are you feeling, are you healing well. What are your thoughts on radiotherapy. Radiotherapy is what I have to look forward to I gather it is not as a bad as an experience as I thought. So maybe that will be your experience also, My partner is going to have chemo and then a full hysterectomy. Good luck with your radiotherapy and iI also wish your cancer doesn't return.


sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Spinacheater

Hi Spinacheater, the hysterectomy went well thank you. It was done laparoscopically and I went home the same day. Radiotherapy is not what I wanted but it’s a necessity and I’ll just get on with it. Hopefully it won’t be too bad.

Good luck to you and I hope all goes well for your partner too. Let’s hope we’ll all be well at the end of treatment. Best wishes. Xxxx

Spinacheater profile image
Spinacheater in reply to sassy59

Thanks once again

Spicypeach2 profile image

Hi Spinacheater, I have been there and It does seem overwhelming but don’t forget that you are fighting for your life. I hope that you feel comfortable with where are are going to receive your treatment as that is equally important. I had radiation 5 days a week , and Chemo once a week for the duration. I started in September and my last treatment was week before Thanksgiving. I was nauseous daily and the Oncology Radiologist prescribed medication which I took on an empty stomach, I also after 3 weeks had problems swallowing because the tumor was close to my esophagus, which was inflamed.I was given medication for that . The chemo had me loopy and I basically slept through the whole treatment. Get plenty of rest, take someone with you for support, stay positive. Currently in 7th month of Immunotherapy and it’s very easy. Oh I got a mediport for drawing blood and treatment because my veins are small. If you have someone to cook for you that helps. I didn’t have any pain just fatigue. My hair thinned a little but no major hair loss. I lost about 25 pounds and it’s been slow getting it back. Sending hugs to you and your partner. You will be fine.

Spinacheater profile image
Spinacheater in reply to Spicypeach2

Thank you for sharing your experiences with me they are very helpful as I now have a better idea of what to expect. Thank you for you best wishes. Good luck with the rest of your treatment.

Alberta56 profile image

Best wishes. Hope all goes well, and that the very thorough course of treatment will do the trick. xxx

Spinacheater profile image
Spinacheater in reply to Alberta56

Thank you for your best wishes and have a fabulous day

Patk1 profile image

All the best to both of u x

Spinacheater profile image

Thank you very much this is very kind of you . Have a great day

Patk1 profile image

Id trust in the specialists in that field.i hope all goes as well as it can 4u xxx

Spinacheater profile image

Thank you I will follow your sound advice. Started my radiotherapy today and tomorrow I will have my first chemo followed by radiotherapy we will how day two goes. Have a great day

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