I really don't understand when you have copd the way it goes up and down. I take duaklir inhalation powder which works for me and a salamol as a backup. I walk my dogs most days and am OK doing so but sometimes I seem to be trying to breath through an invisible sheet at the back of my throat and you can hear it too. Tried coughing just in case but nothing there. Goes if I use salamol but soon comes back. How can copd be so up and down. Any advice will be a godsend
Up and down: I really don't understand... - Lung Conditions C...
Up and down

I quite agree, it’s so frustrating.
I can be ticking along well for a couple of weeks, then I have a sip of tea or a bite of sandwich that goes down the wrong way and my poor old airways get irritated with coughing and I pay for it with a week of short breath and slow walking🙄
I can never rely on being able to do things or feel ok for very long 🤷♀️
All I can do is stick with my meds regime, maybe a puff of my inhaler more (I’m on a MART regime) and avoid exhaust fumes or other irritants during that time, and reduce my exertions to that which I can cope with to get through the days.
What is a MART regime, Beech? Im on SMART regime which is used with Symbicort for people with asthma. Is it the same? (Cant remember what SMART stands for.)
MART/SMART seems to be the same thing, the acronym seems to be interchangeable? I’ve got a diagnosis of ACOS, asthma/COPD overlap, so my triggers seem to overlap too. I’ve got Duoresp Spiromax (it has the same budesonide/formoterol as Symbicort) as my steroid inhaler that I can use additional puffs of if I feel the need - but I try to keep them to a minimum. So we’re using pretty much the same medication.
(S)MART stands for (Single) Maintenance and Reliever Therapy
This link explains it well:
I can only take it as it comes. I have learned, when having a good day, not to go at things that are now beyond me even if I feel I can manage. x
There are many reason why your breathing can be more difficult at times. Animal hair, pollen, high and low humidity, cold and warm weather and so on. Household products can affect it too as can dust mites.
So can an infection such as a cold too.
The advice given to me by my daughter and wife who are both health care price is there is a fine line between exercise and over doing it also all airborne irritant can be triggers I have now taken to wearing face mask at all times to reduce Clare ups
I have asthma & COPD and have the same problem. I think the weather can affect lung condition - when it's damp and humid - I feel my chest feels much tighter in certain weathers.
High pollen count may have something to do with it.
There are so many triggers , trying to avoid them is a nightmare, a balancing act! We all, I think, have different enemies to watch out for and we learn what they are and how to avoid them as we go! xx
Keep walking as far and often as you can and keep that copd at bay. Believe me use it or lose it.
Hi to all yes i feel down most days i cant plan anything either i was going to our coffee morning at our local church because i felt rough with breathing i did not go / & i started dropping cups on floor as i been that i use the word frustrated so i now how some people feel we just had the change over of increse of rent in our m bourgh it so frasting to get every thing sorted to now thing have calmed down alittle all the best ghoust rider
Sorry your feeling down chook, it's hard work going from one day to the next and taking each day as it comes. The good days are great and the bad days seem to delete the memories of the good ones. If that makes any sense to you. The one thing that keeps me going are my 2 dogs to be honest with you. They give me a purpose to fight. ☺️