I had to use my antibiotics few week ago phone to speak to dr,later in week a nurse phoned me to say l could not have back up pack as l dont use them as much as others,l said l am sorry l dont have to use more often but what do l do know she said to phone a doctor.Then after visit to surgery was told there not doing emergency back up antibiotics.So if l am unlucky and have a breathing attack looks like l have to phone a ambulance.
Emergency back up pack: I had to use my... - Lung Conditions C...
Emergency back up pack
I would talk to copd or asthma nurse at drs,or dr - be firm + explain this.its obvious u don't use often but need the rescue pack for whn u do
It seems as if surgeries are being discouraged from issuing rescue packs- so wasteful of antibiotics. Tough on us if we need them. Try again. It would be very bad to be be without them at a weekend.
A copd or asthma review has certain questions that need to be asked and that box ticked for the surgery to get money for that review. ‘QOF’. Quality of framework points . One such box/question is ‘management plan agreed?’ , there is also a section on rescue packs , issued, has in hand or declined. Ask if the box about management plan agreed is ticked as it sounds like you haven’t agreed with their plan as you are requesting a rescue pack and not having one issued. Not being able to breath and trying to get over a chest infection when treatment is delayed is no joke snd very scarey. Take care 🦊
My surgery stopped issuing these a while ago and I was told there were only issuing emergency packs to people with severe copd. Alot of surgeries are now going down the same route x
A lot of people request rescue packs when they don't really need them, leading to overuse of antibiotics and reliance on steroids, anyone with less than 3 excubations per year now has to go visit the Doctor to be seen.
I’m so sorry to read this. I had to start my rescue antibiotics on a Friday evening- if I hadn’t had them I would undoubtedly ended up in a&e on a Friday night! No one needs or wants that. I have everything crossed that my doctors will issue some more. I noticed my respiratory consultant wrote on his last letter please ensure she has a two week course of co-amiclav rescue antibiotics. It maybe worth seeing if you can get your consultant to do the same. Good luck.
Hi, yes, antibiotics for everyone -lung disease or not are being restricted these days to limit universal anti microbial resistance and we don't always need them do we ?
Do you have an exacerbation action plan to follow ? If you don't could you ask for one ? could that be reassuring for you ?
If you are in the UK then coming soon should be a local near to you Acute Respiratory Hub where, on the day you can be referred to for assessment of your flare up and to check if you need antibiotics or not. I am aware that where these are running they have been very successful.
Ask your surgery if they know of one local to you.
Wishing you well.
I asked for a replacement steroid pack ….no joy .
What annoys me is that after 30 years of living with a lung condition , I know my body better than anyone . I know when I need to increase my medication.
Trying to access professional help can be stressful in itself when an exacerbation occurs , especially at weekends or bank holidays .
saves the NHS in the long term , as exacerbation can be caught early and anxiety alleviated .
The GP and patient need to build a trust relationship . Check exacerbations long term ….reliever use etc .
It seems this is the way rescue packs are going now. We all know there's been over prescribing of antibioticover the years causing the present resistance problems. In my opinion its unfair to lump respiratory patients in with everyone else especially when long term patients know when they have an exacerbation &/or infection grrrr. My GP undiagnosed bronchiectasis to deprive me of a rescue prescription 3 years ago. Luckily he didn't remove prophylactic winter Azith which definitely help in keeping infection free. At Xmas I caught a horrible virus the turned to fever & infection, couldn't get through to GP so took an Azith everyday for two weeks then every other day for a week before going back to 3 per week. Ridiculous but needs must. Good luck Vinny, check out Pauline's mention of respiratory hubs. P
Hi vinny88, It's a bit strange to be told that you can't have a rescue pack because you don't don't use them as much as others, you would really think that a more acceptable reason would because we used them too often, I think part of the reason is to do with budgets at our doctors surgeries, I can't remember the last time I had a rescue pack but I know others who get them all the time, postcode lottery maybe, make an appointment with your doctor, express your concerns to them, if it's causing you worry, stress and anxiety tell them so, I really hope you get sorted out, I wish you luck..
I've had terrible problems with my gp practice, the issuing of a rescue pack being but one of them. My consultants ask every visit if I've used my rescue pack. This time I said I'd had a mild flare up but hadn't started the pack as I was saving it for a severe flare up as gp wouldn't prescribe any more. Cue strongly worded letters to gp. If an exacerbation is not treated immediately it further damages already fragile lungs. Gp denied it was standard practice now! We know this is not true. The gp has returned pack to repeat list and assured me it will be issued if necessary.
My consultant and gp practice do not do rescue packs as they say I should contact them when in trouble.
Obviously in practice this is not possible.
I beleive the rules on back up packs vary from surgery to surgery. If you are ill most Drs will issue a prescription same day but you may have to attend surgery. Of course you could try out of hours or 999 but they are very cautious too of antibiotic prescribing. I believe now the changes will mean you can't go to A&E without referral from GP , community nurse or paramedic because the hospitals are becoming bogged down with people who can't get a GP appointment. As you say it makes it difficult for those with a chronic illness flare up. We can't know when we will be ill and even walk in centres prefer you to attend your own GP if possible. Difficult breathing is not always due to infection so in true care you should not be treating yourself but many of us do unless symptoms get worse. Another area thats changed is broken bones too they are treated as minor injury nowadays, but treated incorrectly that could leave someone disabled mobility wise. Where will it all end!!!!!!