Can someone explain what pulmonary rehab is and how many of you feel it has helped your energy level..?
Pulmonary rehab: Can someone explain... - Lung Conditions C...
Pulmonary rehab

Pulmonary rehab is a combination of exercises and information about lung diseases. The exercise gets you active and shows you (me at least)that you can do more than you thought you could. You are taught more about the diseases you suffer from and various ways to control them. What I found most useful was learning ACB, Active Controlled Breathing therapy, which I now do night and morning to expel any gunk from my lungs. Hope this helps.
Thank you for your reply. Is the course you took a daily one? I wonder if there are online courses and I may look in to that.
My course consisted of 2 hour sessions twice a week, supposed to be for 7 weeks. Sadly I missed 2. There were courses on line during lockdown; I think they may still be going on.
Hi JudyHh1, I can only speak from my own experience, but it is excellent and it really did help me, I finished my eight week course in 2019 and since then I have carried on doing the exercises at home twice a week since then.
I can now go out walking with my POC and I really enjoy it, it can be daunting at first, but I have never looked back, they teach you how to breath properly when exercising, so if you do it please persevere because at the end it will really help you.
I hope I have been some help.
I have not personally been to PR but many here have and have posted about their experiences. I don’t recall anyone ever posting they regretted going and most if not all found it very beneficial. How much a person benefits I presume would depend on what lung condition you have and what stage it is at, but from everything I have read exercise is one of the few things people with COPD can do to help themselves. In addition to the exercise they also teach how to manage your illness and about nutrition and it’s benefits.
Hi when I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis emphysema and copd on top of asthma the consultant recommended pulmonary rehab the best thing I have ever done for the conditions. It increased my lung output by the end of 6weks by double doing the controlled exercises twice a week going to the hospital gym with a respiratory nurse and other people, they do it online also you can be recommended by the consultant to do it that way ,dietary, inhaler techniques and clearance techniques everything you will need to be better at controlling the health conditions that you have. I went on to continue the exercise program outside of hospital with a trained breathe easy group leader and still go every week although I have to pay 5.00 a session now but I am so much fitter and understanding of my conditions. Hopefully this will be of help to you.
Hi, the actual content may vary depending on where you live in the UK. I was very lucky in that I was allowed to attend one in SW London. I say allowed because my gp practice nurse insisted I go to prevent future decline in lung health. I found it utterly brilliant in 2013. The course was 6 weeks, consisted of approx an hour of exersise designdesigned to build lung as well as physical stamina . The secon half was an education session where I learnt so much. Two very knowledgeable respiratory physiotherapists ran my course and helped each individual adjust the exercises to their capabilities as well as explaining why each excersise helped lung health. Previous to starting the course there was an assessment session as well as a confidential questionnaire
Its most definitely worth doing, not just for now but for future health. I believe some areas do online courses now since the pandemic. Hope you're lucky
I have done 2 PR courses since 2011 but sadly am no longer fit enough to do any more. They were both helpful in raising my stamina but I also made several good friends who remained friends when the courses ended.
Hello Judy. 👋 Firstly I found the PR course invaluable for increased energy levels and breathing techniques. Noticed you are in the US so may be very different there. Mostly PR is available on our NHS but there are some videos/courses online. Sure these will help. Best wishes. Dawn.xx 🥰
Apart from the great replies you have had above Judy, the main point clinically is that doing exercise conditions your muscles. And conditioned muscled use whatever available oxygen you have much more efficiently. So you are fitter and can move better.
In reverse, when you don't exercise, your muscles become deconditioned, and it's harder to exercise, even possibily to walk around your house, climb stairs etc - everything is negatively affected in a downward spiral. So please do consider getting a referral for PR. You won't regret it.
Bristish lung foundation ( or whatever they call themselves now) run classes like this .
Locally, I go once a week for an hour and have does so for four years. There could well be a class near you, so ask them.
It is beneficial, not just for the work out but to talk to other sufferers.
Of great benefit, learned so much. I continue to attend the pulmonary gym every Monday and exercise most other days at home. If you get the opportunity please attend 🐞
As has previously been said Pulmonary rehab is a combination of information and exercise. In my case, it was a 6 week course, twice a week for 2 hours, 1 hour exercise and 1 hour information gathering. On occasions speakers from other agencies came in to give the talk and give updated information on their special subject. I have been on the Rehab course 3 times now and each time I have found it invaluable not only from the exercise and info aspect but from the mental aspect too, seeing how much exercise I could actually do and the new developments from the medical profession was very encouraging. The exercise routines are tailored to your own ability and your sats are checked at the beginning and end so it is a very safe environment. The physiotherapists are so kind and helpful and upbeat which I found helped if I felt a bit down. During Covid I did the exercise routine via zoom and at home but I would not hesitate to recommend the classes from the personal interaction point of view. Sorry if this is a bit long winded but hope you find it useful. Take care.
PR kickstarted my return to better health despite my COPD diagnosis. It helped me spot overbreathing before doing tasks too, so that I could stop myself hyperventilating when doing heavier work.
It's well worth doing.u will get fitter,learn about lung health + that being breathless can be a gd thing