Having bout of sinusitis. Taking cefdinir currently, and was prescribed methylprednisolone. I'm afraid to take methylprednisolone for fear of it wiring me up. It's a 6 day course at 4 mg. Confused by instructions if I decide to take it. Until you get down to the last few doses, it says to split it up at different times. With first day of 6 tablets it says 2 in morning, 2 in afternoon, 2 at night. But in small print it says you can take first day all 6 at once. And what about other days as well, should I split for taking at different times, or all at once. Can I take this while taking my cefdinir also? If I decide to take this steroid, with or without food?
Sinusitis issues here: Having bout of... - Lung Conditions C...
Sinusitis issues here

Hi! I’ve only ever taken prednisone for asthma where you take the whole dose in a morning. No doubt there will be someone popping along shortly who has experience of the split dose system.
The only thing I can help with is the with or without food question. As they can irritate your stomach they are best taken after food.
Hi Troilus. Thank you so much for your reply. I've never had a sinus infection like this before, I've been doing some searching on this, came up with all kinds of things, wondering if this could be a combination of sinusitis with rhinitis or vasomotor rhinitis, or just plain very bad sinusitis. It makes it hard to sleep at night, I've learned to blow my nose very gently going through this, as to not make the congestion any worse than it is.
I take 10mg a day for asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. I take them all at one but my gp did say I could split the up every day.
Have you taken prednisolone before and it caused you to be wired up? Some people don't have that reaction however, I certainly do. I've only ever been instructed to take them first thing in the morning, I discovered that taking them after a couple of oatcakes about 4 or 5am (when I get up for the loo) works for me very well. The pred will lessen the inflammation in your nasal passages so that expelling the infected matter is easier. In the past I was prescribed a steroid nasal spray to help on a permanent basis which it certainly did. 3 years ago I was told to buy it as it's now available over the counter at pharmacistpharmacists.
Sorry, I've no idea about cefdinir so have a thorough read of both leaflets and/or ask the pharmacist.
Hi peege. Thanks for this info. I took it quite a few years ago for allergies once, made me feel wound-up sort of. The stuffiness part seems to hit harder at night, but for now I can deal with it between the Flonase nasal spray and the extra strength plastic nasal strips but when I wake up and am moving around it isn't really that bad except for blowing my nose a lot. The cefdinir is an antibiotic, which doesn't seem to be helping much. About 7 weeks now with the green-yellow nasal discharge, and about half-way through the cefdinir I'm thinking it's not bacterial. I am worried about the methylprednisolone because I don't sleep well now as it is, especially with this now going on. Today is a full week of using Flonase, sprayed twice in each nostril once a day.
I forgot to mention, as I get sinus headaches I use acupressure (try youtube for demo), its brilliant for not only relieving pressure but also helps to allow mucus to drop down. I'm small boned so there's no room when inflammation is present.
If your mucus is green/yellow I'd hazard a guess that its definitely still infected. What does your GP think about a different antibiotic? .....I'm sure you know we're not medics on here but patients doing our best. P
Hi peege. Tried the acupressure technique a few times, does seem to work. This is the second antibiotic I'm on right now, the first was a 10 day course of Doxycycline, which I thought was working, but the infection slowly returned, I waited a full 2 weeks between the antibiotics to make sure the first one was out of my system, making sure I'm eating my plain yogurts and plain keifer for the pre and probiotics.
I have only ever taken steroids in one dose first thing in the morning. I would speak with your pharmacy for advice. Make sure you keep your nose rinsed and moist x
Hi lzb1. Thanks much for the reply. Seems that if I blow my nose less it doesn't get stuffed up as much, but I'm very careful with this to be gentle while I blow, it seems to get stuffed for a short time, then it will open a short time later, this has been going on since I aquired this.
It sounds like you have a long term sinus infection. Perhaps speak with your doctor again. It's also not good to be using too much nasal spray. If this is bothering you more at night then I would try a wedge under your mattress so that you are not sleeping flat. You could also try antihistamine to help dry the mucus. Its horrid blowing your nose all the time I know x
Hi lzb1. The nasal spray is Flonase, a steroid, doesn't cause any rebound effect with sinuses, years ago by prescription only, now available over the counter. An antihistamine might work, but they always dried me out too much, which sometimes increased the stuffiness, actually with my nose running it's easier I think to get rid of the gunk that builds up. A decongestant would probably help maybe better, but because of a prior heart attack years ago, it wouldn't be an option.
Have you considered hay fever. Here in UK, there are a number of trees sending out their pollen. Hazel, Yew, Alder, Elm, Willow. I started taking antihystamine at the end of last month.
Hi Lutontown, thank you much for the info. At the moment, I don't know what this is, except for this. 7 weeks ago, when all this started, I thought I picked up a cold or something from my grand daughter, but then a day later my refrigerator broke down, which put a horrible stench in the house, smelled very strong like the compressor burnt up, along with a possible freon leak. Instead of turning around and leaving after I pulled the plug on the refrigerator, I didn't want to drive back to my daughter's house and impose on anybody, so I went into the other room in my house and slept there, a day or 2 later, this happened to me. I bought a new refrigerator right away the very next day and had it delivered same day. So I really don't know if I actually did pick up my grand daughters cold, or if it was from the refrigerator, or perhaps something else?
Better have a look on-line and see if you can find anything about burnt out fridges and their effects. Good luck gbn.
I would take them all in the morning. They can keep you awake at night if you take them later.
It must be this time of year! I am still dealing with congestion, constantly clearing throat and plugged ears. Finished a course of Keflex a week ago. Now have bitter taste in mouth and cannot taste food! I will be having surgery in 3 weeks.... knee replacement as arthritis has done much damage to my knee including a bone tear of the meniscus and bone swelling . I need to rid myself of this sinus issue before surgery !! Seems like sinus infection... either viral of bacterial take forever to go away Hope you feel better soon!
Hi Solily. winter here has been warmer than usual, but I don't know if that's the reason for my current woes with this darn sinus issue, on 2nd. antibiotic and it's still lingering. I keep on using the Flonase nasal spray and nose strips at night. Hope all goes well with the knee, I'm sure it will. My ex wife had recently both knees done, a year apart. She doesn't know why she waited so long to have it done, before the operations she had years of pain. How long have you had your sinus issue? I am currently going on 7 weeks, infection just won't stop.
I have bad seasonal allergies which appear to be year round. As soon as our weather gets warmer and the snow starts melting the allergies get worse. The sinus infection started around 3 weeks ago. Was put on an antibiotic because of lung issues but I feel it is viral. Doctor said these sinus infections are lasting a really long time. Now the worse.... no taste!! Just want it to be all gone😧 Hope you start feeling better... sending healing vibes to you!!
Hi Solily. Thank you so much for your reply. Sure hope you feel better too. Honestly, that's the thing I'm worried about, that my sinus infection might be viral too. You would think that with you after 3 weeks you would respond differently with your antibiotic, let alone me going on 7 weeks and being on my second round of antibiotics and I still have my sinus issue. I think that an infection could be bacterial, or viral, but to me, an infection is an infection and--if it would be viral, just how the heck do you get over it?? With me, I'm well past the acute stage, I'm mid-way now going into the chronic stage, which they say could last for 12 weeks, or longer?? If I only knew it would last 12 weeks but would resolve itself, I'd be ok with that, but time will tell, I'm still thinking really hard about seeing an allergist, this is pure hell. I'm sure your taste will return, give it time. Meanwhile, my sinuses will absolutely not stop running with this gunk, this morning I actually "bolted" out of sleep because of my one nostril being totally blocked up with this crap, only slept about 5 hours, and it scared me, which is why I probably just jumped right out of bed from a deep sleep, I've had enough of anxietys over the years to let something like this bother me now, but it does.
Seeing an allergist probably is a good next step. I saw an allergist a few years ago and found out my triggers. One was mold.... a type that is found both indoor and out. Like I mentioned before.... as soon as the snow starts melting I am miserable.I do take Claritin daily but I don't feel it helps. Tried Zyrtec and could not function... too sleepy. I still feel that the cortisone injection that I received in my knee has messed with my whole body. Inflamed sinuses are a side effect! They don't tell you all these issues you can have after receiving this shot!! I read that this Kenalog injection is banned in the UK... would be interesting if this is true and why. Take care
Hi Solily, my ex-wife received cortisone shots for over 10 years before she finally had her knees done, she went as long as she could without surgery getting by on those shots. Over time they helped less and less. If I do go to an allergist, hopefully I'll get this resolved if it keeps on going. The flonase helps a bit, but it's not enough. Besides Claritan and Zyrtec, have you tried anything else? Are they antihistamines or decongestants? Antihistamines dry me out too much, makes me feel more stuffy sometimes.
At one time I was prescribed Azelestine nasal spray but it defied my eyes terribly! So Claritin is the only allergy med I take. I can actually say that my sinus issue feels like it's clearing somewhat. My doctor did say that a virus was going around that affected the sinuses and taking weeks to clear the body. My ear is still humming..🤔 Hope you are able to see an allergist soon !