Hello my name is Sharon. I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis several years ago but have managed to remain healthy and manage it overs the years. I am active and try to exercise and stay healthy. Summer of 2017 my lung Dr sent me for an outpatient procedure to my local hospital to have a bronchoscopy done, my first ever. During the procedure my lung was punctured and I wound up in the hospital for a week and came home on intravenous antibiotics prescribed by an infectious disease doctor. They found Pseudomonas Aerigonsa. Since this time, I seem to be getting sick more often and not staying well long after another round of antibiotics. My immunity just seems very low. I am now sick with infection that has been going on for almost 2 weeks. I have a sputum culture that has now tested positive for large amount of streptococcus pneumonae and once again Pseudomonas. I am taking 750 mg Levaquin in addition to cefdinir. Has anyone else has similar experience?? Just trying to figure out how to make this and build up my immunity to avoid having such frequent flare ups and stay healthy.
Bronchiectasis with Pseudamonas in th... - Lung Conditions C...
Bronchiectasis with Pseudamonas in the past

Hi Txlady, Sorry to hear about the accident during your hospital visit. At this point, with many infections occurring close together, it sounds as if your immune system is not working efficiently. I would ask my Dr. to order tests, particularly to check your vitamin D levels. Best wishes for a quick resolutions to your health issues. J
Oh my goodness that is a dreadful thing to happen and I am sorry to hear this. I wonder do you have a respiratory consutant who has a special interest in cf/non cf bronchiectasis (believe me it makes a difference). I assume you do physio and I am wondering if you are taking any prophylactic antibiotics when not on full blown antibiotic treatment.
I expect you will already know strep p, although it can make you feel absolutely dreadful is much easier to treat than is pseudo. Pseudo can be eradicated but often lies pretty dormant and will then kick you up the b and have a party. There are things which can help keep the status quo, ie prophylactics such as Azithromycin normally 1. Times a week. Some folks nebulise an antibiotic.
Generally before this run of bad times you sound to be doing all the right stuff.
Hope you start to climb back soon and start to feel much better.
Hi TxLady. I have had Levaquin in the past, I would suggest you look into all areas to rebuild immune system, including herbal and natural medicine. Oregano oil, garlic, colloidal silver and more can help in adjunct with medicines prescribed by doctor.
I don’t think that this is a case of low immunity. More a case of your lungs having been further damaged by the incompetance of the doctor using the bronchoscope and your bronchiectasis being grossly mishandled. Any real bronch specialist treating a person who has had bronchiectasis for some time should be able to identify and treat those basic bacteria without subjecting their patient to that procedure. I heavily suggest that you look for a genuine bronchiectasis specialist in your area NOT a general respiratory consult. Take the name to your GP and insist on being referred. Hopefully then you can be under the ongoing care of a doctor and their team who can get your treatment and management back on track. It really makes me angry that you were lucky enough to be going along ( albeit with very little treatment) quite nicely until this idiot did this to you.

I completely agree with every word you have said. When I had my last Flare-up and ended up in hospital after getting the flu jab that had me laid up in bed for 17 days without getting any better, my lung consultant at the hospital wanted to bring me in for 48 hrs observation, which then turned out to extend to 17 days and tons of daily medication and antibiotics that made no difference, I was no better than when I first went in, so in the end I discharged myself and came home to a new device I had ordered from the USA, and within 48 hrs of using the equipment I was able to breath and walk around.
It is an expensive piece of equipment for a home user, but there are also many Doctors in the USA who are using it with extremely excellent results. I have moved away from using any form of drugs that I feel are not for me. I do still use my Spiriva Respimat inhaler, but will no longer use prednisolone and fostair inhaler. I am also using the Aerobika flutter to help release the mucous, and boy is this a great product after just 10 days use.
Txlady,, I sympathize with what you went thru and that you are still suffering the after effects, I do not know what country you are from, but there is a way of finding out if there is a doctor near you that could help with the use of the HALO. Do not give up.
I see that halotherapy is inhaled salt. There are many people on here who use salt therapy to help in one way or another with their condition. Some nebulise it to help break down mucus, some get relief from difficult breathing from salt lamps, salt pipes or even sitting in salt caves and there is anecdotal evidence that it can even keep pseudomonas numbers down. It is very cheap to access and can be done through a GP, consultant, or in the case of lamps etc, online.
Salt wonderful salt.

No Littlepom,
It Halotherapy has nothing to do with Salt Therapy, the Halo Treatment I am talking about has to do with BioBotanicals and BioPhotonics. I have heard of Salt Therapy and does help to a certain extent. But the Halo BioPhontonics is used for many health conditions and COPD is just one area.
I will read up on it. I don't have copd but interested in all things.
Ah light therapy. If only light could mend holes in lungs.

Hi Littlepom
Here is the website link where you can read up about the Halo.
Thank you
I have read it all. They use a lot of opaque language and are not specific about the ‘therapies’ ( including the light therapy) which were used on Michael to effect his two miracle recoveries. Similarly they talk in a very broad sweep about the conditions which it is miraculously supposed to cure. Pain killing and skin problems seem to be the only conditions which they specify and hey - they have been using ultra violet light to help for this for over a hundred years. They even sat me in front of a light unit and infra red rays when I was a child. It did nothing for the bronch but was a relief from the exercises and chest beating.
I don’t think that I shall be giving these people any of my money in the near future but if you gain a benefit from it yourself, why not.

Hi Littlepom,
Sorry that you found that the info on Halo was not helpful to you.
Only information is offered here just like anyone else who posts about other health help issues.
I hope that your own health improves.
Take care
God Bless
What is the device from the USA please?
Hi Jools7770
It is called Halo BioPhontonics.
Where can I buy this from please. I have just been diagnosed with Bronchiectis. Many thanks.
Hi yorkshireterriers
Anyone interested in reading more can go to this website where there is a host of information and you tube discussions etc.
Because I am a BioEnergentics Researcher, I was very fortunate to find the information on it and how to use the Halo. Has it helped with my own COPD? YES it has helped a great deal...... here is the website link and if you have any questions they are very helpful and you can also ask me.
You don't always have to buy the equipment, you can ask if they have a Doctor in near your area who has the Halo and they will be able to treat you. Ask as many ???? as you want.
Many thanks I am so grateful for your help. Feeling low and upset at the moment as just realizing Bronchiectis is a progressive lung disease. Have been so unwell since October after having the flu vaccine with repeated chest infections. Going to remain positive and do my best by doing research. The Halo sounds amazing thanks again. X
Oh yes, that flu vaccine did not help me either, I do not know what strain they used this time, but boy, did it send me crashing down for more than 2 weeks and still end up in hospital for a further 16 days and end up feeling worse than when I went in. In the end I had to discharge myself and get home and use the Halo, within 48 hrs of using it, I was able to breath, get the mucus moving and walk around again.
Yes the dreadful flu vaccine wont be having it again. Poor you having to go to hospital you seem to have control now which is encouraging for me to try and get a handle on this illness. Have looked on the website but couldn't see where to buy it. What is the price I know it may be expensive but am in position to buy one. Is it relatively simple to use ? Many thanks again.
OK, when you are on the website just click on the CONTACT link at the top of the page and fill out the contact form and that you would like more information and prices as there are different prices. Both Delia and Robert are extremely helpful people.
It is extremely easy to use and there is always someone to help if you have any questions. Both Delia and Robert are my Therapy Coaches for the Halo.
I would also suggest that you look at the
Wishing you well yorkshireterriers as we all like to try and help one another here at HealthUnlocked
Read the website very carefully. Read between the lines and remember that bronchiectasis is a very different condition to copd. It sounds to me as though your bronch is not being treated and managed properly. Do you have a bronchiectasis specialist? NOT a general respiratory consultant.

My first appointment with the respiratory team is on the 3rd April but dont know if the person that I will be seeing is a Bronchiectis specialist. Wondering would I ask my gp who referred me ? Had my ct scan results last week. Live on the Wirral and the respiratory team who ever they are are at Arrowpark Hospital. Had 3 chest infections since October coughing up clear green and yellow sputum. Feel so ill especially the fatigue. Will take all your advice on board thank you so much.
I believe that Liverpool has very good bronch services because they also do a lot of research and trials there. I don’t know who is at the centre you mentioned. You can check the name of the consultant whose team you have been referred to or look on the internet for a bronchiectasis specialist in that area. They are usually at big teaching hospitals. If you are not sure that you are actually seeing a bronch specialsist take the name to your GP and insist on going to the right person. Bronchiectasis is very complex, treatments vary and change in each patient over time and every one of us is different. This is why we need somebody who has experience.

Thank you so much littlepom for all that information. I will do my research now and make some phone calls tomorrow. This site is amazing and I am so grateful to everyone for helping me. Love to you all. X
Good luck. I hope that between us we can help to get you the right care.

Yes Littlepom,
Bronchiectasis is a condition where the bronchial tubes of the lungs are permanently damaged, widened, and thickened which allows bacteria and mucus to build up and pool in lungs through damaged air passages and results in frequent infections and blockages of the airways. Flare-ups must be treated quickly to maintain oxygen flow to the rest of your body and prevent further lung damage.
Any lung injury can cause bronchiectasis. There are two categories of this condition. Cystic fibrosis (CF), also known as CF bronchiectasis, is a genetic condition that causes an abnormal production of mucus. The other category is non-CF bronchiectasis. The most common known conditions that can lead to non-CF bronchiectasis include:- an abnormally functioning immune system
autoimmune diseases
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency (an inheritable cause of COPD)
allergic aspergillosis (an allergic lung reaction to fungus)
lung infections such as whooping cough and tuberculosis
Symptoms of bronchiectasis can take months or even years to develop. Some typical symptoms include:- chronic daily cough, coughing up blood, abnormal sounds or wheezing in the chest with breathing, shortness of breath, coughing up large amounts of thick mucus every day and frequent respiratory infections.
So it can be hard at times to find the right Lung Specialist who deals with all the different health issues that surround the Lungs.
I don't quite know why you are telling me everything I already know but it is useful for some so thanks for your efforts. Bronchiectasis is diagnosed by ct scan which should be interpreted by a bronch specialist. Bronch specialusts will have knowledge of copd etc because they are general respiratory consultants with additional training and experience in bronchiectasis.
How dreadful for you Txlady, I do hope that you can find a solution to these problems x
Hello - Although I don't have anything to add (other than my usual - ask if saline 0.9% nebulizer, and physio like Active Cycle of breathing are applicable for your case to help expel "bad" stiff in your lungs ), I wanted to say your story moved me and I hope things get back to normal asap.
My mum (who has Bronchiectasis with MAC) had a bronchoscopy and it can be really useful initially to find out specific infections and other things but with any procedure there are risks - which unfortunately happened in your case. On the positive side, hopefully the consultants will be extra attentive to you to avoid any legal issues.
Good luck - sending over good thoughts to you!
The symptoms are basically different. With bronch it is more a case of fluid collecting in the lungs and repeat infections rather than breathlessness. Bronch can co exist with emphysema or chronic bronchitis in some people. The only way to truly diagnose what is going on is by ct scan interpreted by an expert - not the GP. I hope that helps a bit.
And please- you are not ignorant but simply seeking to increase your knowledge about these conditions. That’s what we are here for, to help and support each other.
Hi, yes I have bronchiectasis, emphysema and pseudamonas. I take colistin nebuliser for the pseudamonas . I also take a lot of drugs for the copd and heart failure. My breathing is terrible, I can't excersise as I'm so breathless. My last two telephone appointments with my respiritory consultant have been cancelled. I'm looking into private medicine, at my wits end!
Hi txlady, I was diagnosed with emphysema and bronchiectasis in 2006. Two yrs ago I sent off a sputum culture and it came back pseudamonas. I've since been on nebulized colistin which doesn't seem to have any affect. I feel oorly most of the time, coughing up dark greenmucus, no appetite and tired. I was put on iv antibiotics for 2 weeks when I first got this and then it colonised.
Hi, I've had pseudamonas for over 2yrs now, been tresting it with colistin nebulizer twice daily. I cough up thick dark green mucus, it's horrible! I very been told as the pseudamonas has colonized in my lungs that I'll probably never get rid of it!