HiI have COPD, asthma, severe OSA, hypothyroid and a few other things.
I am 62 and have had these challenges for a good few years now.
Last year I had 2 sputum samples 6 months apart. 1st was staph aureus, 2nd was coliform species. Treated with 1 and 2 weeks of ciprofloxacin
As soon as Cipro finishes I have almost immediate return of extra secretions.
Last month I had sputum tested again due to amount of sputum problems.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (heavy growth) this time. Ciprofloxacin again, 1 week this time. Finished Cipro and 48 hours later secretions back with a vengeance.
I feel rubbish all the time and have great difficulty clearing the secretions.
Being on CPAP is difficult with high secretions and I wake up constantly because my throat is 'blocked' with gunk and I can't swallow or cough it out.
Respirologist prescribed home nebulisation in August and alternate days of azithromycin
I really do not want to be at the GP regularly as I don't feel that they are bothered or up to speed with more complex presentations.
Getting the phone answered, getting past receptionists and then waiting for a GP to phone you back is frustrating and negative.
I assume that CPAP use may be the underlying cause of repeated lung infection as I don't venture out often.
Anything I can do myself to alleviate?
Any advice gratefully received.