I asked for 3 months supply at a time as you are usually on it for six months. I’ve been on it for a year so they are swapping it to Warfarin now. I set my phone alarm to remind me to take it at 8am and 8 pm each day. Best wishes
Apaxiban: I asked for 3 months supply... - Lung Conditions C...

Hoping you do well on the Warfarin Bluebadge. I take Rivaroxaban for atrial fibrillation.
Best wishes to you too xxx
Why do they change to warfarin? . That has to to checked all the time doesnt it . .? Involves clinic visits .I had an emer gency op recently and had been told that you had to wait 48 hrs but I dont think the y did . Also been told by lung consultant that it would not be advisable to have general . I have no memory of what was used.so likely to be general.
because I still have 2 PE’s in my lung, despite being on apaxiban for a year. I’m hoping they will go with Warfarin and I won’t need to take it for too long.
Dont understand "still hav e " do you mean the scars ? Or actual clots . I have had 2 PE and a lung abscess many years ago . The PE were in 2008 and multiple mini in both lungs in 2018 . I went onto apixaban for life after second PE. As i understand it Apixaban cannot be inactivated as warfarin can but doesnt need monitoring every month (or week )
I still have two PE’s in my right lung a collapsed lower left lobe, recurring pneumonia, cough up blood most days and loads of phlegm. Despite being on apaxiban for a year I’ve developed another clot in my neck pulmonary artery. I’ve never smoked, not overweight and have never had high blood pressure. I don’t care if they have to check me daily. I just want it to dissolve and the one in my neck not to get to my brain.
Hope its more effective for u
Sorry i only know from my own experience. I was told 4 years ago after my csecond PE that I would have to go onto Warfarin or Apixaban. full time Given the option but no time to evaluate this then . Apixaban was better it seemed so I accepted that .Hope that you can get this solved soon . I can understand your worry.
I see from the replies that people are interested why change to warfarin. My question would also be why? I see that there is a clinical reason. Be guide by your clinician I am on warfarin about to change to apaxiban. Good luck!
I’m told Warfarin may be more effective for me. Everyone is different and it’s not a one size fits all. I think they take your age and weight into account and Warfarin has a longer track record of success for people in my profile. Why are you changing to Apaxiban?
I read that is the nastiest drug to take (fancy name for rat poison) and it is dangerous. Please ask your doctor for a replacement, there are many here in the US. There are many doctors who do not like to even prescribe it.
i get a daily medical journal and one of the articles was about warfarin and how, like I said, many doctors are beginning to be reluctant about prescribing it as there are safer methods/scripts that can be prescribed. Just start a search yourself and read about it. Am aware of other options here in the US, but not aware of what yours would be. Not familiar.