I am colonised with the haemophilus influenza bacteria had it for several years. It's well controlled but I cough up the green sputum everyday. My daughter is due to have our first grandchild who will have no or little immunity until she has her Hib vaccinations starting at 3 months through to 6 months. I feel that I should wear a mask and not have close contact until she's had her vaccinations. The NHS website say babies of 2 to 5 months are at most risk of meningitis. I have tried without any response from my own doctors and the local respiratory team. It's like they won't commit to offering any concrete advice at all??!!!! Your thoughts on this? Thank you! ☺️@
Haemophilus influenza advice. - Lung Conditions C...
Haemophilus influenza advice.

7Hi uk-claires. I have had bronchiectasis since 1953. I have had haemophilus influenzae in my lungs and then pseudomonas took over. I have had two babies of my own and five grandchildren. I have NEVER given anybody, whether child, adult or partner an infection. In fact we are more at risk from them and other people because they bring their bacteria and viruses to us. The only people which these colonising bugs affect are ourselves. There is a wide misconception amongst people who do not know enough about lung conditions that we can infect others. We cannot.I don't understand why you are concerned about meningitis. That is a completely different illness which passes through the community in bacterial or virus form.
Like everyone else who goes near your granddaughter, you should be careful if you have a virus or cold.
So enjoy her, stop worrying you are not infective.

Thank you for your reply. It's because I do not know about how this bacteria operates that I wanted advice. I am grateful for your help.
I hope that put your mind at rest. You will soon learn lots from the lovely people on this site.
Hi uk- Claire I too have haemophillis influenzae bugs in my system and also agree with little pom regarding your dilemma ,I was unsure but have had several grandchildren during my conditions without giving them anything nasty.if you feel you need to wear a mask that's fine but not a definitive answer. Keeping the bugs under control with clearance techniques and antibiotics is the only solution for me to be clear for times during the year. Most importantly enjoy your new grandchild 🙂👣
I also had HIB when my daughter had her babies and they didnt catch anything from myself. You dont need to live with it very strong antibiotics over time will kill it like it did mine. I now have no problems with green sputum anymore. The antibiotics were azythromycin. Nothing else worked for me. Just enjoy your grandchildren without worry. Karen xxx
I had HI before I was colonised with pseudamonas and then Staph. I've never passed any of them to any of the kids in our family, not even my sister when she was going through chemo with no immunity. I understand your worry, but when I queried it with my consultant I was told I'm not a threat to others.Cystic fibrosis patients are kept separated from each other, but we are often put on the main ward with others with lung conditions.
Maybe double check with your consultant to see what he recommends. xx
I was same b4 my 5yr old grandson was born & bought masks( b4 covid).I also always have a bottle of antibacterial gel with me so if I cough/ blow nose I use it. I've never given him an infection. Do what u think is best as they are vulnerable and hib can be dreadfulx
I wonder if you should really be coughing up green sputum. I was given strong antibiotics which knocked the nasty haemophilus bugs right down, possibly out. Ist Doxycycline and then CoAmoxicillan, if I remember, then Azithromycin to keep the little blighters under control. I don't know if it's worth having a word with your consultant. Anyway enjoy your grandchild. xxx
I agree I shouldn't be coughing it up. I gargle with salt water to try and keep it at bay but I have been given so many antibiotics for this but have had bad reactions to them all to the point where the NHS don't know what to do with me! I have allergies to food and drugs and carry an EpiPen. I have tried to see immunologists through my GP but unless you've had an actual anaphylactic shock they won't see you. My throat goes tight then my GP prescribes steroids. I was once drug tested at Royal Liverpool for Azithromycin and other substances and my arm swelled up in massive lumps. For two years I was sent from dept to dept then my GP gave up with them and now just treats me himself with steroids when I need them. It's a vicious circle! Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to reply I'm quite touched by your support so thank you🥰🥰