The bouts of breathlessness are back again, seen GP tonight possible anxiety causing the breathlessness. It's a vicious circle... Have to have ECG but only could get an appointment in a months time. It's ridiculous I'm going to be more anxious now waiting for the ECG appointment. ☹️
Breathlessness : The bouts of... - Lung Conditions C...

Anxiety plays a big part in breathlessness. I have learned to control my breathing and prevent panic attacks. Takes some practice but it works. Just remember to slow down theres no rush ,and dont overthink a situation. Stop and think Positive thoughts .Breathe in thro nose slowly hold it ,then out thro mouth with pursed lips slowly. Dont rush. Hope it works for you. Always remember you wont die from a panic attack. Slow your breathing down. I know easier said than done but it gets better . Good luck xxSheila 💕⚘
agree totally with garshe, panic is the enemy. The weather is getting colder, so probably why more breathlessness. Summer is our time, I hibernate in winter. Once you master the panic attacks your breathing will improve…… trust me
Anxiety is tricky to manage isn’t it? Have you tried relaxing and the breathing into your back ? It is said to have an effect on the nervous system and calm things down.