During the last 4 months or so I have experienced increasing bouts of breathlessness for which I have had a series of blood tests which have returned normal with no heart failure (even though I do have some highly controlled cardiac issues).
On 6/12/2024 my GP decided I should have Spirometry with Reverseability Lung Function Tests fairly promptly and these were carried out ( after a 145 mile round trip to a major hospital ) on 19 December 2024. The person carrying out these tests told me if I hadn't heard from my GP within 2 weeks to phone my Surgery.
Of course being the season of much merriment I hadn't heard so I phoned my surgery on early morning of 3/1/2025 and pressed the internal number taking me to test results. I was then told although my results were back they were endorsed to be discussed with patient by GP only. The person in Test results told me she would send a message to GP. Heard nothing.
Phoned again on early morning of 6/1/2025 and was given the same message. As at close of business on 7/1/2025 I have still heard nothing. Meanwhile I am conducting my own Peak flow Tests and am failing to reach the desired results on an age/height/bodybuild basis. Further, no test results have yet come through on my NHS App.
Now if we accept that my regular GP has been off duty enjoying the festive season ( or even on study leave ) does anyone out there feel I am being unreasonable in expecting a phone call from my Surgery enlightening me as to my results.... and another thought, if my GP was away, off duty on some form of annual leave ... would it be unreasonable to expect another GP within the same practice to provide me with the results on my own GP's behalf. My next scheduled face to face appointment with my GP is on 14/1/2025.
Meanwhile .... back at the ranch .... just pottering around indoors the breathlessness continues with varying intensities.
Many thanks,