a much more welcoming breeze tonight so according looking forward to going bed tonight
the scene tonight and welcome coolin... - Lung Conditions C...
the scene tonight and welcome cooling breeze

Gorgeous Dave have a good night and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌻🌻
Had to get a break from cake making 😂😂😂 xxxxx have a lovely evening
Very pretty sky and nice to have a cooling breeze. Xx👍😎
Me neither……..👎😉
Even the computer has to be programmed so is down to human errors 😂😂😂
At a quick glance, the picture looked like a school of "air whales" chasing each other across the sky. No, I have not been on any "happy juice".
Damn I was just going to ask what you took aswell 🤣 I know what you mean I see things in the clouds aswell usually have labels saying jack Daniels 😂😂😂
Anyone would think I have a JD problem 😃 honestly I haven't 😂😂😂 I have one glass of an evening and some on my corn flakes and in my soup of a lunchtime 😂😂😂

Brandy used to be my happy juice of choice, not had for 30yrs ish, high doses of steroids have a similar effect.
I'm restricted to a glass of JD because of the morphine 😂
Good morning Daveyboy1963. Beautiful pal. Been a bit cooler here the last 2 days but supposed to be getting upto 35 from Monday. Hope your ok pal and enjoy your day. Brian
Hi Brian , I thought it was going to be a good night and turned out a total catastrophe and I was awake all night. At the moment I feel like throwing in the towel. Sat having a coffee trying to work out my next move. 👍🏼👍🏼 Have a good day buddy

Sorry to hear you had a bad night pal. Do you drink much coffee at night. I found that kept me awake or perhaps your brain wouldn't switch off pal. I should imagine a snooze will be on the cards at some point. Take care
I only have my one frappe in the morning so only one cold coffee a day no hot coffee. And no drinks with caffeine in either , strictly water juice or jd 😂 I know an unorthodox way of putting myself to sleep and will probably do it later on this afternoon. 😂
Isn't nature beautiful
Beautiful and unpredictable just like a woman 😂😂😂
Wow, its looks like the sun has heated up the clouds , great shot Dave x
Really there's half a dozen leprechauns hiding behind the clouds with candles 😂😂😂
If I go quiet today I'm not being ignorant I'm working hard to put myself to sleep 😂 been up all night so I'm making sure I Go sleep today. I've done all my household chores Washing is done and on the line house been mopped out nothing else left to do . 😂😂😂
Hi matey yes i had a better night sleep going to do a little shopping today while its cool you cooking of cakes look nice it keeps you out of trouble do you have custard or icecream with the cake i like both had to cut back thou i am back on execisers drs orders all the best matey of to shops now
I don't actually eat the cakes other people do I'm a carnivor and not into sweet things 😂
no matey i am joking only time i really have cake is when i do a pub meal i like to see the main meal on table i have a sweet as & when just been to our local matalan pick up some things its was chocka in there mainly woman & all moaning glad to get out of there all the best matey
Hate crowded places . Morphine and JD starting to kick in hope it puts me to sleep I need about 18month sleep will be fine. Got five years of no sleep to catch up on 😂😂
Hope the breeze stays around. xxx
It's still around slightly but it as changed to a hot breeze so sticky night tonight unless it changes 😂😂
Hope it doesn't taste like Boris's head.
No I hope not too but fun cutting the top off 😅😅😅
good day to you ive been off line for aq few days due to illness i been in hospital fri/sqt night rough on the breathing stopped over night with family aswell just walked back in my flat
I wish you a full and speedy recovery relax and keep cool and safe 👍🏼
hi buddy hows the weather for you now gone cool here for us but they say it is returning ghoust rider
Not good here been on news here as from weekend we get the heatwave which will hit possibly 50degrees it's already melting us now .
matey i feel sorry for you at least it cool at moment with my health probs matey i would suffer do you have a n/h/s service over there like we have in england
In one word No. It's basic and you pay for most of it unless you have Greek health insurance
Hi matey so we dont now how lucky we are then in england but they have started to do cut backs now , but some people over here have got examption card witch cost one hundred notes our preciption cost 10 pounds per item
I'm paying all my ESA out on my meds so it's tight here cost of living higher than it was but electric and water through the roof here
yes mate i understand that i have been written of due to my heath i am roughly getting the same , Ghoust rider
Takes the Micky how we struggle