Has anyone experienced itchy rash and red sore skin using a Braltus puffer. My husband’s COPD had deteriorated and GP moved him to this. He’s been on it about 10 weeks. It really helps his breathlessness! But he later developed awful itchy sore rash in groin area now spread like itchy nettle rash all over his body. Locum gp gave him antiobiotics and creams. Lessened it a bit - but still a big problem. Be grateful advice or others experience…
Braltus rash?: Has anyone experienced... - Lung Conditions C...
Braltus rash?

That sounds painful. Do you still have the leaflet that came with the Brailtus puffer? It may list nettle rash among the possible side effects experienced by some people.
Thanks. It is and is making him feel unwell. Yes, the leaflet says. 1 in 1000 can get this but the locum gp didn’t seem to know this. Just wondering if anyone had experienced it and it went away? The medication itself is working wonders for his breathlessness - it’s such a shame if has to come off it.
Perhaps speak with the Blf helpine Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5pm on 03000 030 555.
Oh just rung that number which just has a recorded message ‘the service is closed’ 🙁😳
Thanks that’s very helpful. I’ve just rung gp surgery who just have a recorded message saying due to govt instructions no routine care available!