On waking I do my usual long routine of wretching up the mucus for a couple of hours always from the bottom right side lung , the pressure from the mucus is immense it takes hours to breath through the pain to get it lower it’s as if my lung has deflated and is trying to blow up again after a few hours of intermittent cycle breathing it eases off a bit it’s so exhausting and scary xx
What Could be causing such horrible pain - Lung Conditions C...
What Could be causing such horrible pain

What happens to the mucus that you can manage to bring up or push down ? Does it get absorbed into the body or just clogg all your intestines up more I can constantly feel a giant glob of it just chipping away at it all day..,,
Hi carolg1, I know how aweful you are feeling and it dose get you down understandably, have you got bronchiectusis? I have and for the purpose of getting rid of the phlegm that sits on your chest and is hard to cough up. I take Carbasisteen capsules and since taking them it's helping me a lot. I once asked my doctor if I can't cough up phlegm properly and swallow it, dose it go back onto chest, he replied no it doesn't. I hope you get this sorted asap and start to feel better 🌹
Thanks stumpy I can never get right to the bottom of the mucus I just seem to stock pile it till I’m forced to wretch hack n heave as much as I can , I swear I have some kind of plug or a sack that just keeps filling up, eventually I give up feel uncomfortable and go to bed whereas everything settles till I rise again ..,,,then we begin again, white thick clear gloop horrible been doing it all day today I don’t understand why I’ve not gone insane, thanks for reply. Xx
Sorry to hear your still suffering with excess mucus have you ask to try a different inhaler like Trimbo its a 3in1 inhaler it may help x
Bottom right side of lung? Maybe you have mucus in the pleura, it would explain the pain..make an emergency appointment and ask for an xray.
Let us know how you are getting on.
Fran x
Hi fan I’ve just had a ct scan all they said was slight changes in that area mainly scaring ? From previous radiotherapy, I’m beginning to wish I never had the radiotherapy as the site wasn’t proven to be ca but since I had radio the mucus has spiralled out of control and I’ve got really bad gullet plus I don’t have a cough reflex anymore I have to really force a hack..,, it’s a nightmare of a life especially the past 2 years. Thanks fran keep well
Buying an Aerobika hand held machine, is amazing to get up flem....have u had a Xray and or CT done, to check that everything is alright. U should be seeing a pulmonary dr as well..✌️