Hi, since June I’ve quit smoking (smoked for 5 months) aside from when I was a bit younger in 20s for a few years.. I’ve been coughing/clearing my nose and throat with blood in sputum (image attached) I’m 33, I have no chest infection btw..
After seeing blood I quit immediately. I’ve had a CT, X-ray, bloods, sputum tests and endoscopy from an ENT - app found nothing. I went to the respiratory specialist and he gave me a puffer to try for 8 weeks. The blood seemed to stop for 7 weeks. In the last two weeks I smoked some weed to calm my anxiety for a couple weeks due to another issue I’m having.. and the blood started again yesterday! The very day I had to go back to the DR.. I stopped the smoking of weed instantly and switched to exercising..
But now I’m back to square one and really afraid again - I thought I was in the clear because it stopped.
I’m scheduled for an bronchoscopy in a couple of weeks.. but please - has this happened to anyone? I’ve read people live with it for years and sometimes it never gets understood what the cause was? Any help would really help guys! Thank you all!