Finally cracked had one of my magnificent hissy fits after being told l had been prescribed 2 anticoagulant drugs instead of one which explains why l look like l have been in a wrestling match lethal combination when already on high steroids ! Managed that quite calmly then no hot drink from 7am too busy. Icing on cake because l am on oxygen 24/7 they can't transport me home without an escort !! My husband is not able to drive due to delayed knee op family down south to far normal neighbor's in Germany ! Feeling totally victimised because of needing oxygen to survive lost it am now camped out in coffee shop with my robot feeling more like me . Big girl pants pulled well up BRING it ON
Shuffling back to paradise - Lung Conditions C...
Shuffling back to paradise

I think you’ve done extremely well not to have absolutely exploded Delamere! Your treatment has been abysmal and I hope you’re soon on your way home, with oxygen and everything else you need. Big girl pants are amazing. Well done. Love, Carole xxx ❤️
Just as well you have a sense of humour. You are dealing with your difficulties well.
Its tough when no one to help, but congratulations achieving coffee shop Enjoy 🍎🍰🍮
Oh dear, things don't get much better do they? Hope your medication gets sorted and you are on your way home. Sending you the best of luck😘
Hope you got home safely and are enjoying a lovely cup of tea and things get better just in the one anticoagulant !
Sometimes an explosion does you good and gets you respect points with the nurses. At the end of the 11 days caused by surgeon's mistake I finally blew when opat team refused to give me 3 remaining days of IV ab to take home unless they received another approval from bham con at 5pm. The sky lit up, I had them take the line out and discharged myself. All the while saying its not you its those opat fools to the nurses. Response from nurses, well done you. You have put up with enough!So well done you. Doubling of anticoagulant is medical negligence.xx

Sorry you had to have a negative experience but it is comferting to know it's not just me who has these experience s Thankyou again fir your support
My big ewe offered to go in there and stamp on someone’s foot but I think you did pretty good yourself. I hope you’ll be home soon 🤗
Hope you get home soon. Thinking of you xxSheila 💕
When necessary big girl pants are awesome.So saddened to hear of your troubles.Do hope that you got home safely and feel better soon.
Thinking of you
Well done you for getting your big girl pants on and showing them your hissy fit. I hope you are now at home and enjoying the comforts. I would certainly put in a complaint regarding negligence, in fact I would consider a claim. For now just enjoy being home and take it easy x
Very true😀
Wow that sounds unfair and awful. Hope you get home safely soon, and cheers for the coffee shop!