This evening the pulmonologist came to the house which is strange because she doesn't do house calls , her husband is an hematologist in our village and went school with my Greek friend demitri who spoke to him this morning after hearing what happened to me. He spoke to his wife who's my pulmonologist and explained demitri concerns so she came round to see me along with demitri , she's took blood samples and I get the results tomorrow but she explained after doing a spirometry test and listened to my chest along with checking my Meds and previous medical records from the UK she said it's a combination of things caused this . Firstly I have mild bronchial pneumonia which the antibiotics were for what she didn't know was I had been prescribed fluxomiacin which I'm actually allergic to so the flare up along with adverse reactions to the antibiotics and the fact that I have been inhaling smoke from the fires which can't be avoided as all contributed to this and the stress of heavy coughing caused the bleeding she's changed my antibiotics firstly and tomorrow she will be present at the clinic to run a few more tests . She was concerned obviously but said no one knew about my allergy to fluxomiacin . So a positive result..
Update on strange bleeding: This... - Lung Conditions C...
Update on strange bleeding
That’s good that you’re being cared for Davey and had a home visit. I hope things improve somewhat for you now. Take care xxx🤗👍
I'm grateful to my friend to actually push for the home visit , she also said I'm doing far to much with regards to my stepfather and will be contacting hospital welfare to come out and assess options for my stepfather either going into a care home or getting help in the house

Sounds like action is being taken now which is good. I hope things work out well for you and your stepfather. Xxx
So do I I hate to sound a defeatist but I'm finding dealing with his needs are getting to much for me to deal with

Bless you Davey 1963.Well done you for managing to care for your stepfather and feeling able to say caring for him is becoming too much.Sorry to hear of your recent nocturnal episode and am so pleased the respiratory expert came to see you ,there are many compassionate and skilled doctors out there who go the extra mile.
Keeping you in my thoughts and hope that things improve soon.
Let us know how you get on re your stepdad.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I am at that impasse we all have a point where you can't go anyfurther and I have hit it , I'm physically and mentally drained and been running on empty for a few months now but I'm stubborn and won't give in. Unfortunately my body had other thoughts on the matter , the welfare worker came out twenty minutes ago spoke to my stepfather who just swore and told him to Go away but the welfare worker stated that he wasn't going away he was there for a reason . He asked me quite a few questions about my dad and my general day to day stuff dealing with my stepfather he said that he feels that by my dad's attitude to my health he's putting me at risk and that maybe him going into a care home would be the best option . He's going to contact the one on the island and see what is available but as like everything it's not a quick process .

So pleased the welfare person came to assess your stepfather and that he was in full crotchety mode so the welfare folk can see for themselves.Sending positive vibes that a place is found for him quickly if only for respite till something more permanent found .
Best of luck.
Keeping everything crossed that they do find somewhere quickly for his benefit as we as mine
That sounds very encouraging, hope it all goes well for you .🤗
I'll know more tomorrow god knows what she's got planned but she's not hanging around.
Thank you for the update Dave, have been wondering how you were. What a great friend you have in Demitri. Hope that the change in antibiotic soon helps and that you have a better night xx
Didn't realize an allergic reaction to antibiotics could do such damage , demitri was worried about me and pushed the boundaries and got a result I couldn't thank him enough but all he said it's what family do for each other .

Antibiotics can cause extreme reaction . Clarithromycin had me in A&E with severe chest pains and breathing difficulties. It's on my records that I'm never to be given it.
It sounds like things are going a bit better for you, and it’ll be good if you can get help with your stepfather too.
Getting help with my stepfather will be a great help I've given my all but my own health as tumbled in doing so now I have to put my health to the front.

Looking after someone is draining, physically and emotionally, so it’s good someone else will hopefully be able to help with that, and give you the chance to prioritise your own wellbeing.
My health as been spiralling down hill too long I e always put my stepfather first . So hopefully welfare will deal with it so I can work on me
Have you have been adopted as a honorary greek? They are a great hearted people. I hope you will get help for your dad now too.
Apparently Greek welfare won't take any 💩 from him , yes I've been adopted by the village by the feel of things

Is that emoji meaning money ? World Health Organisation rated greek health system 14th in world and U K is rated 18th and Germany even is lower still , . I read wiki on the pandemic in greece too , to find that the restrictions were smong strictest in europe only relaxed to allow tourists in, and now you have so many cases. So much for the economy ruling over common sense yet again. Good luck for your meeting.
Tell you no matter where you are in the world money talks and bull stuff walks 👍👍
Hi Davey, I’m really glad you got some help and tests are being done! It sounded like you needed to be checked out so I’m glad that came about! I hope too that you get help with your step father! I understand how hard going it can be looking after someone!
Take care and keep us updated!
When your health condition is serious and you know that caring for someone else is only adding to the destruction of your health it's time to let someone else take the rudder .
Brilliant she went to see you as a result of your friend speaking to her husband. I haven’t seen a Dr or a respiratory nurse for about 2 years or heard from either even to check I was still living lol.
I’m relieved to read all is almost well with you Davey…. Or at least nothing dire really re the bleeding you suffered overnight which was scary just to read about! Take care 😃
Ps great news about possible care / help for your Dad. That will be so helpful for both of you.
And yes I need help seriously need help with my stepfather I know he's going to be angry because he doesn't want outsiders helping but it's taking its toll on my health
So glad you have seen someone medical
What a lovely lady. Her intervention should improve things a lot for you. All the best.
Sounds positive for you.
Good news all round Davey, sounds like the healthcare there is much better than here and great you will be getting help with your stepfather x
So pleased Dimitri got you the home visit you needed and that you are getting things sorted Your stepfather will have to understand that you are not abandoning him to other people, but just getting help so that you can give yourself the care you desperately need. I hope it goes well today, let us all know what happens!
Great news Davey. Help with your stepfather and time now to concentrate on yuourself. I hope that you soon start to feel a little better and can continue to enjoy your star gazing and your amazing Greek friends. Keep safe. John 👍
I'm so pleased to read glad yr pulmonologist has taken action for you and regarding yr dad.please rest up now.give dad a drink,change him+ tell him not to call u til ..0 clock.,then get yr feet up ,+ switch off to are ill,rest is crucial to yr recovery.thinking of you x
That’s Good News Take Care Keep Safe 🖤🖤
Well I was chilling out until my stepfather decided he needed his nappy changing , but I have atleast got a lot dealt with today so can't grumble 😂👍
Hopefully, Dave, your life will become less stressful and you will start to feel better. Great the pulmonologist came to see you and has got you on the right track, also getting your father assessed for his needs. You take care and enjoy those lovely starlit nights again xxx
Cor blimey. What a rollercoaster. xxx
Oh dear. I hope the antibiotics work quickly for you.