Hey folks. I hope everyone is well. I have not had too much time to come on and write, so apologies.
My wife finally had her Xray last monday. No results yet. Blood tests came back with her cholesterol being 5.6 which they said is a little high and advised lifestyle changes along with giving her the good old folic acid. Which we know is a synthetic form of vitamin B9. So that's being sorted out.
She finished a course of a weeks Prednisone whilst she waited the sputum test results.
She has been a lot better but has started with more green phlegm again just not consistent coughing.
The sputum test result came back Monday and the doctor called us.
Apparently. She showed E Coli and was given another week of amoxycillin 500mg for one week. She asked if that would be enough and he told her if she is not better to call him afterwards. 🤷
This to me doesn't sound right as we have E Coli in our body anyway and for it to cause what for intents and purposes has been akin to severe bronchitis or pneumonia sounds weird.
We are going to monitor with these again and she said her chest at times feels tighter but it passes. So, still an ongoing back and forth but let's see what this week brings.
Reverted to amoxy again, it feels like they never listen. 🙄