I have had a wheeze & an on off dry cough for a few weeks, the wheeze has got worse within the last few days, I cannot get through for a doctor's appointment as I have been trying unsuccessfully for the last few days, the phone constantly rings out, I had been painting quite a bit outside recently & I am wondering if that has caused the wheeze & cough.. Has anyone else experienced this? All answers welcome.. Thank you..
Primrose123: I have had a wheeze & an... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Primrose I would think the painting has made things worse so I would maybe drive to your GP if you are well enough or get someone to go there just to get an appointment. You may need steroids to help.Keep us informed how you get on.
Try NHS 111 (Think that's the number). They should be able to help you. While your waiting try bowl of hot water with vices in and a dark towel over your head. That might help sooth things take care xx
Thank you Spacecat1 forcyour kind reply, I am trying again to get through to my GP surgery, if unsuccessful I will be contacting 111 later today,& hopefully I will see a doctor then.. Hope all good & well with you..Take care & God Bless..x
Thank you Patsy164 for your kind reply, I am again trying to contact my GP surgery but if no joy I will contact 111 later today, the wheezing is not too bad at the moment as it comes & goes as does the cough, but hopefully I will see a doctor at some point today..Hope all good & well with you.. Take care & God Bless, Primrose123..x
Hi Primrose, If the paint used has strong odour it could have triggered your asthma. Don't delay getting to Dr get someone to take you or if you can drive just get there as an emergency . I had same problem getting to see a dr at surgery since they took over another area .
Best not to leave it. Ring 111 if you can't get through to your GP. They have ways and means of getting hold of them and will give them a time scale in which GP should contact you and if you don't hear from them you call 111 back. That's been my experience and worked for me when I couldn't get through to surgery on the phone.Nothing lost by trying.
If you feel very wheezy and it's getting worse, go to A&E.
I should think the paint may have upset you but my asthma is much worse this summer even without paint! It was so nice during the lockdown when the traffic pollution was lower.
Hope you soon get the help you need. Xx Moy

Hi primrose123
I just wanted to reiterate the good advice posted on here. Your wheezing may have been the paint or even the weather at the moment, but a wheeze is a sign your airways are inflamed. If you are struggling to contact your GP, call NHS 111 for advice as soon as possible and do call 999 if you feel your symptoms are worsening.
Take care
Thank you so much Debs for your kind reply, I am taking full advantage of all the sound advice that the exceptionally kind people on British Lung foundation has advised,I will be getting in touch with 111 later today & hopefully will see a doctor..Take care,& God Bless..Primrose123..x
Have you registered online with your doctors practice?.. If not maybe worth doing that way you can message them in future.. Also a good tool for reordering prescriptions etc
Hi! While you are outside put Vaseline in your each nostril nose and also both ears. I find it helps. The pollen count has been very high. Do you take Antihistamine. I do one a day.
I work in our Allotment & garden. Hope it helps. Try it. Good luck. Xx

Many thanks HMcevoy for your wonderful tips, I will certainly be putting them into practice..Take care,& God Bless..Primrose123..x
🙏 You are welcomed. It really has helped. I would have been lost if I could not garden because I am still very vulnerable even after vaccines.
I have Lung Fibrosis, asthma, heart problems and Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have hernia & they have to operate!! So I am extra careful. I have not been to shops at all.
I go for drive and garden & allotment..
Good luck.
Oh! Try mint chewing gum but sugar free. It helps cough too and stimulates your throat. Keep sipping any drink regularly. It definitely has helped.
Good luck with your painting. 🌻🤞

Many thanks HMcevoy, you have been extremely helpful, very much appreciated.. Hope you keep well & manage to continue with your gardening..Take care,Primrose123..x
Several years ago I ended up with a mucus plug in my lungs that had to be dealt with. I was also painting a great deal and attributed it to that. I have since been very careful to wear a mask if painting. Getting a Dr.'s office and an appointment seems to be getting more difficult here in the states as well. I hope you get in to see one soon.