Tooth died in mar . Jaw had swollen Dentist gave me double dose of metronizadole and i reacted . Damaged leg(damaged veins) and foot swelled up . Dentist reduced this to normal dosage standard treatment for tooth infections. Leg took months to get back to normal. Next visit drilled and filled it in full ppe . and windows open
May my jaw still swollen . He says give it 3 months to settle . Now Still swollen and still no difference , in fact worse. Meanwhile brain refusing to be quiet and going into work mode ( microbiology)thinking of all the side effects this could cause if not contained. So phoned up to request a different antibiotic to kill other kinds of bugs not sensitive to metronizadole. He agreed and found he had given me more of the metronizadole. ! More debate and asked me what I wanted ,, ! O nly he showed me l a list on computer screen and it was nt available to him to dispense. So we went for next broad range antibiotic commonly used for lots of infections but i only got 5 days and it needs more (I found I knew more about antibiotics as a "medical technician" than he did) . . So now I need a longer dose and I think I would be better talking to doctor. Trouble is receptionist says phone dentist and ends call , this is more than usual treatment dentists give and I am on blood thinners so that also complicates the issue. I think removing the tooth could release the organisms into the blood stream. They should be killed first .I am writing tbis as a practice if I manage to talk to a doctor tomorrow.
Wish me luck.