Good evening everyone, I hope you all have a great weekend,.I have been coughing blood for the last 3 days antibiotic not working . I will wait until Monday to ring the Doctor, it is very dangerous to go to a hospital emergency, risk of catching Covid 19 even with the vaccines. the heat is not helping the fun make it worst , the heat will put us in great danger. God bless you all.
Coughing blood the heat has made it w... - Lung Conditions C...
Coughing blood the heat has made it worst

The heat can drive up blood pressure. Try and cool down. If you have a fan place a damp, cloth or tea towel, over the edge and front (not at the back of the fan) use some pegs on the edges to fix, the fanned air will lifts the cloth up. As the air dries off the cloth it will take a lot of the heat out of the airflow. As it dries you can remove the cloth, make it damp again and repeat.
WARNING, do not attempt to pour water onto the cloth whilst it is attached to the fan, you do not want to drip water on the motor for fear of electrocution, water and electricity do not mix.
As much as you have understandable concerns about attending A&E, please do consider going if you continue to cough up blood.
Maybe ring 111 for advice , tell them your worries about going to A and E .
Great advice on cooling down. It’s a long time to Monday so do consider taking some advice. I had to go into hospital during the height of Covid and found the care to avoid spread of infection was exceptional. Take care
Hello there, If you contact for out of hours health help they sometimes send a paramedic to assess the problem at home. So if you seem to be getting worse do try the out of hours services. Hope you soon have this matter under control , I do appreciate your fears at going to hospital but the COvid 19 areas are seperate and those at high risk are kept seperate if possible. You should show up on the hospital computer as high risk on entry. Best wishes for a good ,if possible quick recovery.