Hi, does anyone know if Lansoprazole affects the immune system please? I take this to line my stomach due to taking prednisolone. As the stomach and the food we eat all play a big part to keep the immune system healthy, does Lansoprazole block this good work and weaken the immune system? Thankyou in advance..
Lansoprazole effects on Immune System? - Lung Conditions C...
Lansoprazole effects on Immune System?

Hi Helen, I’m hoping it doesn’t affect the immune system because I’ve been taking Lansoprazole for years. I don’t believe it would weaken the immune system. Xx
Hi Sassy, thankyou so much for your reply..Helen xx
I looked it up Helen and it can affect the immune system over time. Speak to your GP. I think I will too. Xxxx
Thanks for the info Sassy, that's really interesting, and I'll definitely speak to my GP on Monday.. ill let you onow what he says.. I might discuss with my pharmacist too..shame no one is about till Monday...have a lovely weekend.. Helen xx
That’s a bit of a shock because I’ve been taking it for years too on top of others that affect the immune system. I’ll be talking to my gp too!
Hi Helenlw7, thankyou for your kind reply..yes I would definitely speak to your GP.. and I would be very interested to know what they say..ill be speaking to mine..sadly, they do not always look at the whole picture do they..its often just, take this for that.. but if it is harming our immune system, then we need to know, the steroids have already flattened my immune system, I eat well, take supplements etc, but we need our immune system if we are going to heal, and we definately need a working immune system at the moment, as the covid vaccines have little chance of working if we are immune suppressed. It is something I have had to face, as I am immune suppressed, hence my covid vaccines may not have worked. Its a fact. So, the quicker we can restore any amount of our immune system the better..keep as healthy as you can..together we are stronger..Helen x
I’m immunosuppressed too, because of the steroids and one or two of the meds I’m taking for my rheumatoid arthritis. I also have severe back pain at the moment. I’ve had 2 telephone consultations with my drs. The first one upped my normal RA pain meds and added 8 ibruprofen and 8 paracetamol a day. Three weeks later I got another appointment with a different dr. She was horrified that the first dr had prescribed ibruprofen because 2 of my RA meds can cause kidney damage, as can ibruprofen. The first dr was only looking at the pain in my back, not the fact that I also take meds for severe asthma and RA, not looking at the whole person.
Hi Helen i have been tking it since 2012 and it has had no adverse affect on my immune system. I hope that helps.

Hi Littlepom that's reassuring to know..thankyou..I eat well to try and keep my immune system as strong as possible as I know alot of the immune system is from the stomach, but I'm immune suppressed from prednisolone, and I work hard to balance everything in my stomach with a really healthy diet..but having heard the Lansoprazole which I take to protect the stomach from the pred could now be doing as much harm re the immune system, i was left mentally exhausted by it all..thankyou for your help and support..ill keep ploughing on ..Helen xx
It’s a conundrum isn’t it. I have never taken oral steroids and so this could make a difference for you. I hope that you get it sorted out.
Bless you Helen have also been taking lanzoprazole and prednisolone for many years.It's a balancing act isn't it to do the best you can to stay as well as possible.
I can be more prone to infections but put it down to the prednisolone -didnt know the lanzoprazole could also be a factor.
Thank you for the info.
Hi ninelives..thankyou for your very kind reply. Pred is dreadful isn't it..I can totally relate..ive been on long term pred for years on different levels..I am trying to decrease now, I would love to stop the Lansoprazole now, but I know it coats the stomach to protectbit from the pred. Yet both it seems can flatten your immune system, which we all need, to stand any chance of healing, and especially at these times, where the immune suppression could vastly affect how much of the covid vaccines have actually worked, if at all..if you are immune suppressed, the vaccines may not have worked..I have been faced with this myself..ive had the vaccines, but no idea if they have worked due to immune suppression... it all needs sorting out,.its a right situ 😃..oh well..ill keep up my healthy diet, supplements, exercise when I am well enough and keep the fluids up..and hope someone remembers us with immune suppression..we matter too.. keep as healthy as you can..together we are stronger..Helen x
Ive never heard that lansoprazole coats the stomach Helen. Does it say so in the patient info?
What it does do, as a proton pump inhibitor, is to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach. The acid is produced by the proton pumps, hence the name, and is needed to digest food. The way the lansoprazole protects the stomach, as I understand it, is that it makes it less acidic overall.
I would love to stop taking them but they work well for me so I dont think I will be trying to.
Hi Helen. Lansoprazole is a proton pump inhibitor as are others like omeprazole and esomeprazole. If taken over a long period of time it can inhibit the absorption of vitamin b12 from your food and can cause b12 deficiency and anaemia in some people causing fatigue. Your GP can do a blood test to check your levels and if deficient b12 injections are recommended.
Hi Biofreak, this is very interesting and very helpful to know. I will mention to my GP on Monday. Would you know about the hit on the immune system from taking this long term? I am trying to strengthen my immune system, as I am immune suppressed from long term steroids..I eat a very healthy diet and always have,.but im always looking for ways to strengthen my immune system. I then heard that Lsnsoprazole also suppresses the immune..but I will plough on..always hoping I can continue to decrease the steroids, Always hoping I can then come off, and then will also not need Lansoprazole ..thankyou again, for taking the time to help..have a good weekend ..Helen
Hi Helen. I am not well versed on it's effect on the immune system but I have to take drugs which suppress my immune system as well due to having rheumatoid arthritis and was given omeprazole to protect my stomach. I am always borderline anaemic because of having rheumatoid arthritis and found out that PPI use can cause b12 deficiency so I asked for a b12 check and discovered it was low as well. Because I had never suffered gastric reflux and the omeprazole was given to protect my stomach from the drugs I decided to stop taking the omeprazole and just make sure that I only took my medication with or after food. I have had no issues with my stomach since stopping them and my B12 level is now normal. In your case I would discuss this with your GP because I wouldn't recommend you do the same until you have checked with him/her. I know it's an absolute necessity for those who have reflux issues.
I take Omerprazole for acid reflux and it does affect the immune system. I tried stopping these after having my gall bladder removed but the terrible pains I suffered in the middle of my back put me straight back on them. I tried slippery elm but that didnt stop the pains either. I have rheumatoid arthritis and the drugs I take destroys the immune system as well so its difficult to keep up. I have a really good diet and take supplements and I am a firm believer that your gut health is so important in keeping your body healthy x
Hi Izb1..thankyou so much for your kind repl,y..I feel for you, it is so difficult isn't it, to try and help yourself, keep your immune system/gut as strong as possible, all the time..we need a healthy gut to have any chance of an immune system..I have long term steroids for a bad chest and these flatten your immune, then I have to have Lansoprazole to coat the stomach for the steroids to sit on..im finally decreasing the steroids after a long time, and hoping I can then stop Lansoprazole. I would stop Lansoprazole now if I thought the damage from the steroids was less..what a do! 😃 i always eat healthy and take the necessary supplements..I hope you get stronger and stronger and need less and less of your meds..take care..Helen x
Thank you Helen, sadly with r.a. the meds seem to do more damage with each new drug and are for life. I have considered stopping meds for r.a as they damage your chest as well but not sure I can tolerate the pain. Never mind we each have our own struggles and mine are minor compared to some. Enjoy your evening and lets hope England wins tonight x