Can anyone help me. I have to wear a mask at night and no matter how I adjust the straps it is so uncomfortable. I get a couple hours sleep on and off. Air comes out the sides, the alarm goes off, I adjust it. But the thing that worries me the most is the ridge across the back of my neck in the morning through the tightness . Is this damaging my spine? I've tried a smaller mask but same problem. I am exhausted.
Bipap mask: Can anyone help me. I have... - Lung Conditions C...
Bipap mask

No you will be fine but if you are worried please get in touch with your GP or respritory team. Have a good night and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
Well i just dont know how anyone can sleep with a maskBut i hope you resolve your prob
Hi I’m on a bi Pap and I use a dream mask which works well, you should ask to try different masks, I do find that I need to renew every 3 months as they stretch a bit and cause problems with leaking
Thanks for advice, I've been in touch with respiratory nurses and they are sending different mask
Hi siestasue, I'm really sorry to hear you are struggling with your BiPAP mask, it sounds like you are using a Full Face mask, the best way to use BiPAP is when you are going to bed, put your mask on and turn your machine on, but don't go into bed straight away let your pressure build up and leave lying down in bed for between 10 to 30 minutes, this allows your body to get used to BiPAP.
Are you by any chance a mouth breather, if you are you might want consider a chin strap as well, I use this one:
You also say your strap digs in and marks your neck, you could try using this Neck Comfort Strap:
I sometimes use this on of my masks and it's very comfortable to wear.
Please stick with your BiPAP it really will change your life for the better, the biggest problem at the moment because of the Covid-19 is, you are not able visit your respiratory specialist or physio's to have a mask properly fitted for you, I last saw my respiratory specialist 2 years ago and my respiratory physio 3 years ago, but hopefully this will change soon phone consultations are OK, but they really are no substitute for one to one consultations in person, especially for new mask fittings with your respiratory physio.
Stay safe.
Hi Ian, So so sorry for taking so long to reply but I'd left your post as the last to answer as it was so interesting. Then life and a few rough days got in the way.I have a ramp on my bipap machine which builds the pressure up slowly, so that has never been a problem.
I still can't get my head around the problem of keeping my mouth shut. I am naturally a nose breather but the pressure makes me open up otherwise the wind? comes out all around the mask making an horrendous noise.
I love my bipap machine, when it works I can breathe so much easier but when it's not its a nightmare.
The hospital are sending me a different mask to try, so fingers crossed.
Thank you for taking the time to answer.
I tried a variety if masks, with the same problem till I found a nasal mask, what a difference, so much better but only if your a nose breather
Our son in law uses a BiPAP & it’s changed his life completely he too struggled to use it at the start, like you he found it difficult to sleep having the same issues your having.
With your permission I’ll forward you message, to him hopefully he can reply with how he changed thing to sleep peacefully...he now runs, goes to the gym & doesn't feel sleepy during the day.
Thanks for your kind offer but unlike your son I would never be able to go to the gym or run! I have copd and am on 24hr oxygen. My Bipap supplies oxygen during the night. Probably different reason from your son.
I totally understand, sorry if I misunderstood your post but thought maybe our Son in law could help in some way to help by suggesting different ways or facemasks to try so you could get a restful night.
Best Wishes, hope you find the right adaptions to relieve your poor night sleep.

Hi Siestasue
Maybe you can try contacting the clinic who provided the mask for you, they may be an alternative if you are having problems.
We also have a team of clinical nurses here who will be happy to have a chat over the telephone with you.
Hope this helps
Take Care
I'm sorry to hear you are having such problems with your bipap mask. I empathise, having used a bipap for over 12 years now. I don't know how many different masks I've used, some much better than others. If you aren't sleeping well, please ask your respiratory team for a different mask. I've found the team at Southampton Hospital very accommodating about changing my mask when I've had problems - perhaps I've been lucky with that hospital. At the moment I'm using this mask: which I use with this: which keeps the hose out of the way very successfully. The mask is supplied by the hospital but I bought the hose lift myself after someone on this site recommended its use.
I used to use a cloth mask ( ) which was brilliant and so comfortable. But, probably because it was cloth, after a while it became too noisy and there was too much leakage, so having had a few replacements and used them for a few years, the hospital persuaded me to try the dreamwear one and I've been using it successfully for the last couple of years.
Do ask to try different masks. You said your mask was fine for about 6 months, so you know you can sleep wearing one, you just need one that fits properly again. You need to be measured for your mask (I know it sounds ridiculous) and adjusting the straps once it has been fitted shouldn't be necessary.
Forgive the lengthy response. I hope it's been helpful.
Good luck!
Thank you for your interesting information. I attend Southampton hospital and have never been actually fitted for a mask. I was given a medium resmed mask. Now I have been given a small resmed but I still have same problems. I always understood that you should keep your mouth closed, which is how I sleep normally but the strength of machine forces it open otherwise the air comes out all round the sides making an horrendous noise. When I mentioned this no one gave an answer. I can't get to the bottom of this problem.
I've had my niv for few years now, and do have periodic problems,leaking,discomfort,neck ridge.but usually overcome them.past few months,I've struggled due to painful sinuses and neck sensitive to strap - have felt like I'm being strangled!as for alarm,tell yr ventilation nurse - the alarm can be over ridden.ive woken 2hrly ever since started on it.ive told them,but say cant do anything about it