hello all you lovely people i am going to tenerife christmas it always helps with my breathing booked it last year problem is ryanair say i must wear mask unless i have exemption certificate i have asthma/copd cannot wear mask on flight but doctors reception says they do not give exemptions as does anyone have any ideas what i can do very confusing thank-you.
wearing mask: hello all you lovely... - Lung Conditions C...
wearing mask

I have never heard of exemption certificates, but then I’m thinking they must exist if Ryanair are asking for them.I bought some cages that go inside your mask from Amazon. I find them very helpful as it helps airflow inside the mask. If you have no luck with the exemption certificate it might be worth getting on to try. They weren’t expensive.
Search ‘cage for mask’
Hi, I have bronchiectasis, and broken nose from falling debris during war, living in industrial Birmingham. NHS have refused to reconstruct it, although my respiratory consultant is going to see what can be done next year. I have great difficulty wearing mask, but have been practicing whilst sitting still at home, can now keep valved one on for 15minutes! They’re bit expensive but worth it. Good luck, enjoy Christmas, Jean
Should have said masks recommended by respiratory consultant is FFP3, that’s the valved one. and can print off exemption certificates from this site. Jean
How's Morrison the cat getting on?
Baby is well and still getting spoilt!

Hi, thought replied, but now can’t see it! M still in charge, out last night so had lot of snoozing on my late husbands armchair today. He’s about 10, can’t be sure. He’s spoilt, gets his own way. Hope Baby and you ok. Jean x
Morrison sounds like another version of Baby as she is spoilt as well and is 17!
hello morrison what site can you get exemption certificate i think you hava to wear surgical mask thank-you.
Hi Keith, too much rush replying to you! See posts above to Troilus!!
Hi Keith, Done it again, not my day! See above. FFP3 mask recommended, has valve makes big difference to being able to breath. Good luck, enjoy holiday. Jean
That's lovely isn't it away to tenerife for Christmas.
We are restarting our sleepovers on Saturday with a trip to Weston coming home on Monday lunchtime next week.
This will be the first time we have stayed away from home since we had a weekend away in Exeter back in February 2020 just before everything shut down!
I had heard the stories about the virus and wasn't totally ignorant but still it was a shock the way everything suddenly closed down back in the March of 2020 and how social gatherings all of a sudden were taken away!
Don't you have a lanyard saying you are exempt from wearing a mask just in case anyone questions you?
Not aware that formal exemption certificates are available. You can get lanyards etc easily but can’t see these being acceptable to an airline. Even IF (& highly doubt it) you can get gp to write something I am still doubtful that when it comes to reality Ryanair would accept it. Certainly from what I have been reading most airlines are stating no mask no flight! This has been ruling even when obvious someone (especially a young child) can’t wear a mask.I honestly think you are going to have to find a mask that you can wear or you will struggle to travel….
Suggestions here to aid mask wearing plus lots of different types of masks available these days.
May I suggest you try out various masks to enable you to travel. Aeroplanes are my worst nightmare for picking up bugs in the best of times so protection is key for anyone with lung problems.
Sorry to say but your best idea is to find a mask you can tolerate for the five hour flight. I would be very upset to be sitting beside anyone on an aeroplane these days who wasn’t wearing a mask. Please think of others.
Recently travelled with EasyJet and way round it was to have something to eat & drink whereby you can dispense with it.
I also travelled with Easyjet and I struggle wearing masks but I held my mask open at the bottom sometimes and my food and drink I managed to last for 2 hours and also kept pretending to have sips of water. I found it hard but got through it. By the way airlines have improved air conditioning and usually I would pick up a cold flying but this time I felt totally safe. I have IPF and asthma. Go for it and worrying makes your breathing worse so relax and enjoy your holiday.
Hi Keith,
Very sympathetic to you. My GPs will not give an exemption certificate, but took months to tell me. I bought a silk mask, which didn't work when I was in a polluted area - just could not wear it, but worked when the air was better - I managed to wear it for booster jab. However, I did hold the bottom out a bit, as suggested above. I will state, that despite the so called limited experiments that have taken place, which suggest that you do not retain Carbon Dioxide, after wearing a mask, I found my situation to be very different. I have very severe emphysema and after wearing the mask for half and hour, which was the longest I've ever wore a mask for, my oxygen levels went down to the low 80s and took hours to come back up, which is very unusual for me. They were 'normal' the following day, but wearing a mask did affect them.
Wishing you the best of luck on flying and hope you get to Tenerife!
I hate those close fitting silk/cloth ones. The ffp2 or 3 ones have an empty pointy bit which is much easier, there is a bit of air in it. For sure a long flight will be difficult......for anyone and everyone, but if someone wants to go they’ll have to deal with it and I think cheating by keeping a drip in a glass in front of them is just that...cheating and should be discouraged by cabin staff.
My daughter and family have just come back from Tenerife and they all had to wear masks for the journey, so be prepared if you cant wear a mask then you wont be able to go . I dont think the airlines make exceptions x
hi does it have to be a mask or could you wear a visor? that's what i wear if i have to go anywhere, they even allow them in hospitals
I'd ring consultants secretary,ask for brief note of exemption.I'd also ring special assistance at airline to ask
We flew Easyjet last month - it's not just on the flight, but you have to wear a mask as soon as you arrive at the airport until you exit the arrival airport. Also check the country's rules re masks, as in some places you have to wear them all the time, others just in restaurants/bars, shops etc. Also to carry with you proof of vaccination certificate, again countries differ, but some can fine you if not carrying proof. eg France now require proof of 3rd jab.
Hi l understand l suffer from the same conditions and wearing a face mask doesn't suit me. I have a full face screen mask which is a lot more comfortable to wear would the airways accept them on the flightHope you can sort this and you have a good Christmas holiday in Tenerife
Having just flown to Portugal you can’t wear a visor I bought tea and crisps and ate and drank there and back as you don’t have to wear a mask while eating .