Please Help Is there a Remedy for Phlegm balls. I have asthma and allergies but these balls are thick and I have difficulty breathing. I feel as if its blocking my airway ,I cough them up .I wish there was a remedy, Im having a hard time dealing with this.
Please help Need a Remedy! - Lung Conditions C...
Please help Need a Remedy!

Good morning
Do talk with your doctor / respiratory nurse about this.
In the UK __ The general advice i---
always be well hydrated (drink plenty of water through out the day)
Take mucolytic med ( both water and carbocysteine help keep mucus thinner and more easily coughed up.
Refer to respiratory physio to check ACB huff technique.
Your best option in managing these symptoms is to chat with your respiratory team in the country you reside.
you may wish to Check H U asthma communities for their general advice also.
Do whatever helps
All the best Bk

Thank you I will talk to my doctor about this. I hope it works. acb huff technique interesting .(((( carbocysteine))) Definately worth trying. Will purchase as soon as possible! but of course will talk to my doc also.
I would read up on on mucous clearance techniques eg active cycle of breathing and do at least am+pm to get them up and keep airways clear
Dear Natball,
There is the 'Not Pleasant But Often Effective' Method. Basically you make up Salt Solution, about a Teaspoon to a pint (0.9% Physiological Saline) using cooled 'Boiled Out' water. Mix well then Suck it up your nose, then 'Regurgitate' it up into your mouth- before spitting it out. NOT Pleasant, not at any level.... but OFTEN Very Effective.
Put your kettle on now, wait for it to cool again, then try this method. Maybe 'Dedicate' A Container, for this water- though don't 'Keep' it too long. (a Pyrex, or similar, dish with a lid, is probably Best.)
Yes, you Will 'get to know' your Mucus very well...... but, at least it should offer some relief.
Good Luck Natball
Like you my asthma been bad , I was put on carbocistene and it’s really helped me , my coughing was so bad before I pulled muscles and sore chest ,with help from these meds it’s easier to clear my system ,not perfect but it’s helping , along with inhalers
I get these too! My consultant put me on Carbosysteine which seems to help. Also, as others have said, lots of water is key! I am still getting them, but not so frequently ie every third or fourth day.
I'm not great at doing the breathing exercises. I used to bring up copious ammounts of mucky phlegm, but since different antibiotics last Autumn seemed to finally shift a stubborn infection (I'd been like it for 5 or 6 years!) I now have very little phlegm - but when it moves it is like yours, only white.
As you say, they choke you - not nice at all! xx Moy
Glad to know that im not the only person suffering from this its so hard to deal with i gasp for air at times. I tire out easily and not to mention its gross. thanks for sharing with me I appreciate it.Carbosysteine is coming up alot will google it and talk to my doctor about All the names of remedies you guys are mentioning. Its very helpful. thanks.
Hi Nat
Some good advice below... especially huffing and nasal washing etc
I just wanted to tell you about my own experience with these sort of obstructions and what I did to combat it.
About three years ago I too had to clear thick phlegm regularly throughout each day. I would wake each morning with a large, tough, rubbery lump of mucus blocking my airway. I could not breathe until I had cleared this blockage and would hunch over the window sill desparately trying to get enough air to avoid passing out and to cough it up so I could take my first proper breath. I was sure that one of these mornings, It would not clear, I would suffocate and collapse.
I was desparate and mucus medicines did not work for me. I did some research, first cut out dairy from my diet, then started to steam with bowls of boiling salt water morning and at night before bed. I also began to gargle with a cup full of boiled salt water morning, lunch and night, (especially night before bed). I just let it cool enough then gargled small mouthfulls at the back of throat then spat out till the cup was gone.
Tastes like CR*P but you can always have a nicer drink after to wash away the salty taste (fresh orange juice if poss).
It worked for me... blockages reduced, got softer and dissapeared within about a week or just over. I assume the steam / water lubricates and the salt kills any infection. I do not get this blockage problem any more, but still practice steaming and gargling any time I feel congested or have the start of a sore throat etc.
BTW: I do consume milk and cheese again now, but I try to watch how much.
Give it a try, I wish you all Luck and Improved Health Nat.
I feel like crying....Thats exactly how i feel sometimes I think that I wont wake up and just choke in my sleep because when i go to bed at night im literally choking until i somehow fall asleep. I have been eating more dairy especially cheese....Very Interesting to know all this information. I will cut out cheese completely for awhile to see if it helps.... Its worth a shot! And tonight will steam and gargle the salty water . Thank You for sharing you have been so helpful.
Wow thank you saw some on Amazon will look this up appreciate it . Now at least I have a couple of names for meds if one doesnt work i will try another until I find relief Thank you . How many mg 500 or 1000 should I take?
Regarding the stuff you were coughing up a few years ago, did you manage to resolve it?
I have the same issue, and am coughing up massive chunks.
I have been to A&E a few times, and have had a ridiculous number of tests.
I am currently awaiting a rigid bronchoscopy, but so far they have not found the cause.
My symptoms match yours exactly!
Was it dairy in the end?