Working my way from head to toe, my ailments are as follows today:
1 I have a headache
2 My chest feels tight - as though I have a band around it
3 The top lobe of my right lung is missing (to be fair it was removed in 2009)
4 My ribs are sore and I'm a bit breathless (not too bad though)
5 A vein in my right arm has lumps in it (thrombophlebitis) and is sore
6 I have had so many antibiotics lately that I now have thrush (sorry gentlemen)
7 My left leg is still a bit swollen from my last DVT and it doesn't match my right leg
8 My left foot is red and swollen (soft tissue damage?) and doesn't match the other one
9 Non-medical! My omelette stuck to the pan and came out in lumps.
10 I'm heart-sore (if there is such a thing) because my boy is not well.
My home-remedy:
I've sprayed a bit of my Chanel No 5 on my wrists and am, at the time of writing, drinking an Irish Coffee. Do you think this will work?
I suppose I'm making a joke about feeling a bit 'iffy' but if I didn't I think I would cry!
Breathe easy lovely people.