Have COPD, arthritis, pernicious anemia, high blood pressure, underactive thyroid, insomnia and anxiety disorders depression, trying to get PIP award.. they refused enhanced rate and denied mobility rate even lower amount..have joint, muscular flare ups and unwell every morning for couple hrs.. never really feel good about being here living in constant pain.but alas some idiot scores points to save private company profit margins and government from helping us unitittled welfare scrounging Sick people angry Ive worked all my life and retirement is December yet im just on sick leave trying to get benefits from PIP any advice would be great
PIP allowance shambles: Have COPD... - Lung Conditions C...
PIP allowance shambles

Book appointment to visit Age concern or blf. I used age concern they were so friendly and helpful. Always put your bad says and how ut affects you. Took me 2 attempts rhey originally put me on Ower rate but with age concerns help I got higher rate. If you haven't got age concern. Try citizens advice hope all goes well
I've had a call from citizens advice they told me i should have contacted them before application but I thought they would check medical conditions and records with GP ect ..how wrong was I.. when I mentioned my constant toilet trips at night..The PIP assessment person advise me to wear incontinence pants and remain in bed wetting myself
I am sorry about that and I agree the system is in shambles. I do know from others that while they say they will get follow up letters etc. they often don't and it's advisable to get them yourself and take them with you.
I would appeal and get help with that. CAB can help but also any local disability centres can too. The questions are tricky deliberately so and their criteria is hard to work out.
Another thing I have learned that one of the criteria is whether you can do something in a timely and safe manner. So if they say can you do this or that and you just put yes then it's nil points. But if you say yes but it takes me x amount of time or causes me x amount of pain then that is points.
I have also heard they have to turn down so many people and have targets to meet.
The PIP assessment person is not medically trained and had no business to tell you this. It was a gross impertinence. I'm afraid you met with a wrong'un.👿👿👿🤬
Appeal most people seem to be refused first time and get advice from cab, BLF helpline, equal lives all should be able to give you proper sencible advice
I totally understand you. I had the problem myself three years ago, also been declined. Lots of people even my Doctor didn't understand why I didn't getting PIP.
I did call PIP on the 1st of June to apply for it. And still haven't received the forms. I will give them a call tomorrow to find out what's taking this long.
I actually saw recently that now people who are alcoholic and having problems with alcohol can now claim PIP. What I find ridiculous, sorry. This is something people doing themselves and it's an addiction, why do they support alcoholism is just don't makes sense to me, special if they still capable to handle their finances and by alcohol from it. Sorry I don't want to criticize this part.
I agree with spacecat, get in touch with Age UK and definitely appeal their decision. Lots get approval after. It's definitely a rude comment from this adviser that you should wear incontinence pants and remain in bed, that's really mean. I would complain about his comment. He has no right to say something like this it's unethical.
Best of luck and don't give up honey 🌺🌺🌺
I don't know where to start am a brittle asthma fyibo brain problems, liver problems in wheel chair and cause someone seen me walk for 25 over 3 days in 2018 I don't need any pip they say . My case is rare as went to a tribunal and they broke laws so had a second hearing but they have done the same I agree with you it's people who haven't got a clue about are illnesses that are dealing with us where do we go from here 2tribunals hearing s cause they didn't have a clue had another hearing tribunal and the judge said that the Dr was trying to explain my illness 5 mins to I was due in court she didn't know anything about it till 5 mins before I was due into court, it's gone to there head I really wanted to make the media know about people like us cause to be honest all I heard in both hearings was money money give me as small as u can and as little as u can . Where does it stop when u ask are they are a nurse or higher all they have medical back ground they say . People are not getting what they should I have medical evidence to state I change from HR to HR up and down all day everyday in pain when I open my eyes till I close them. Just wanted to let you know ur not on ur own and has given me piece of mind am not the only one fighting it's a joke but when is it going to stop hope u get there soon as am still fighting have done for nearly 4 years
I also belong to another group for people who have Menieres disease. Many people there try to claim PIP and the majority seem to be unsuccessful with their first application but get it awarded when they go to appeal. Also, a good friend went through the same process due to having osteoporosis.
It seems to me that, on principle, they decline the first application so that only people who are really determined get the award.
Don't give up! Gather as much support as you can and submit it to the appeal. You have nothing to lose by trying again.
As for the comment about wearing inco pads in bed, that is disgusting and must surely violate your human rights. I would certainly take that further.
Good luck! Let us know how you get on.
Xx Moy
Appeal. This organisation may be able to help you : benefitsandwork.co.uk/
I’m too old for PIP so I get attendance allowance and I have a blue badge, I have supporting letters from two consultants, community provided (NHS) wheelchair and rolator. I described my difficulty in walking due to breathlessness caused by lung disease and the difficulty in washing and dressing. I described my worst days not the ones where I can manage a bit better. I also told them that I had had to have a stair lift installed. I had no problems with my applications
My daughter has got me a blue badge and attendance allowance, fortunately for me, she works in Welfare Rights and knows how to answer the questions. Dont try to do this yourself!Her advice is to say you can't do something if you can only do it sometimes. Put your worst possible scenario as well.
Having ranted in 1st post, I will now try to be positive. Every one here is right. You need help to fill in their beastly forms from one of the bodies already mentioned. My daughter and I assumed that they don't like hidden disabilities, but it sounds from Deedee's experience as if that is not entirely the case. Adult daughter has High Functioning Autism- her first application was rejected. She was awarded minimal points for communication difficulties (ha ha) and nothing for anything else. A lady from Mencap (who now include autism as a mental disability, regardless of IQ ) helped her fill in the appeal form, pointing out the inaccuracies in the original assessment. This lady would have gone to the tribunal with her and spoke for her, but at the last minute THEY changed their minds and gave Sue PIP. It took us almost a year to get the mental energy to appeal, so Sue ended up with a back payment of almost £1000. Good luck. I hope you get your PIP quicker than that.
As others have stated you need to appeal. Benefitsandwork.co.uk is helpful resource. You have to pay around £20 per year but they produce detailed information as to how to do initial forms and then appeals. You can also get information from CAB website that helps.Applying for PIP is sadly a minefield and is so much about how forms are completed and using those answers for interviews.
Are you retiring medically on health grounds? If so that needs to be stressed to them. I was told wasn’t making a difference to my claim but am convinced that it did. If you are retiring early due to health again I would be stating this.
Unfortunately, it’s not what conditions you have, rather how they affect you. Always describe your bad days, the worse thing you can do is try to put a brave face on it. Read the questions properly ie “can you reliably walk more than 20 metres” if you can sometimes , but not often, say no.Check the criteria and definitions they use behind the questions (they come with the pack)
Do not lie, that’s a no no
So much good advice here. I will only add one thing for those applying for PIP and also appealing a decision.Keep a detailed diary for at least a week. Show every aspect of your daily life and struggles. You will surprise yourself with exactly how much difficulty we have with every day tasks. How many pieces of equipment we need. In addition to medical equipment there are things like zip closing attachments, kitchen tools. The mobile phone to keep in touch with someone when out of the house or making a journey because of the anxiety which doing it with your condition causes, putting you in danger of not being able to complete the task safely. I hope that you are getting the picture.
The answer to every question is ‘no I can’t do it’. That is the only way to gain points in boxes. ‘Sometimes’ gets no points.
Make a copy of the diary and include it with the forms.
Make a formal complaint about the idiot who told you to wet the bed. PIP is exactly for things like those problems.
Good luck.
hello rhultra, it seems the system for disability claims has not really changed in years only the words they call it. I am on DLA due to being over 65 when the latest regs came in. As I understand it new assessments have been introduced for PI P in respect of musculoskeletal illness, as been broadened.Also many other illnesses in the mental health catagory. I would take all the advice on here and appeal. My daughter lost her care component but they upped the mobility due to arthritis plus other illness. They are supposed to take into account the effects of interaction of more than one illness in cases like yours. My daughter is appealing their decision and taking a case for someone else under the new mental health rules. Take care and fingers crossed for you.
Go to local CAB or law service, they will help you.
Always appeal as most are overturned .
Unfortunately PIP doesn’t take into consideration what ailments you suffer from or how they impact your life. It is all about what you can do. You don’t get anything for trying to do things for yourself. If you can walk the length of a bus then you’re mobile! If you can prepare a light meal then you don’t need help there. Make sure you state how long these things take as I believe there’s an acceptable level. Think of your worst possible day and complete the form according to that. I wish you good luck. Joy x.
If you have letters from consultants enclose copies with your application, and as others have said, emphasise your worst days. Good luck🍀
Appeal it’s the only way nobody else listens, best thing iv ever done , don’t give up if you apply before retirement you keep it , appeal board told me that
Unlike yourself and other people who have commented , I did not have any difficulties applying for PIP. Due to where I stayed it was a home assessment. I had also completed my own application.No issues with PIP. Applied for a blue badge and got it with no problem and it was renewed 3 yrs later. When it was due for renewal I had moved to another local Authority and my application was refused. I appealed and won and they have agreed I will be eligible for my blue badge with no further assessment. I always think unless you have experience of filling in applications it worth seeking advise.
I hope things are resolved soon in your favour. X
As others have said try to appeal. I had to do this some years ago for ESA. The person who did the initial medical assessment stated I had normal mobility in my hips and I proved she had not tested my hips as I have hyper mobility! It's a broken system especially when you are ill and feel beaten by the system.
Sadly it is not the condition that gives points but how the condition effects your daily life. My first bit of advice would be to keep a diary for a couple of weeks, noting all the tasks you have difficulty with and what tasks you need help with.
Second down load both the descriptors for gaining points and the assessors guidelines for awarding points. Then match your answers to the descriptors.
Fill the form out for your worst day, never give yes or no answer. For example walking it asks how far you can walk and gives various boxes to tick I always tick it depends and then give a detailed answer noting how far you can walk without pain, shortness of breath etc. Remember to include all Aids used for example walking sticks, I included in my wife's application a home assessment report by the community OT, A&E reports, physiotherapy reports and doctors letters .
Remember there is no such thing as too much information.
Get in touch with any of those advice centres that has already been mentioned. They know the ins and outs regarding all benefits.I was told that PIP always awards no points for first applications.
My assessor lied on the assessed papers. I wasn’t given a single point.
Asked for a mandatory and the man from an advice centre was a retired solicitor and knew all about PIP. He went through my PIP assessment forms - there were so many lies and stuff missed out.
He wrote a letter asking for a mandatory with all the real facts. I also signed a permission form, so any letters PIP sent me, copies would go to the man dealing with my application for PIP.
He assured me that I didn’t need to do anything - he would do everything.
A lot of people give up applying for PIP, after receiving no points and that is exactly what benefits want.
Get the advice and go for it - never ever give up. Let us know how it goes. 👍🏼

Hi Rhultra
We can give you some general advice regarding PIP, if you would like to give us a call on 03000030555 and press option 1 we will be happy to assist you.
Hope this helps
Take Care