does anyone get the enhanced rate of pip for moderate copd and lung lobectomy?
PIP BENEFIT: does anyone get the... - Lung Conditions C...

Pip is determined by how your condition negatively affects you, not necessarily on the condition itself. E.g. mobility issues, help needed for self hygiene, domestic chores, etc. Some people with lung diseases are eligible for pip. Have a look at the government website re. claiming pip. It's a long, exhausting form and can make you feel low cuz you're focusing on the negative but well worth it to have money to pay for help, transport etc.
Hello! Karenanne has summed it all up excellently 😊 While I have severe COPD, I do not get the enhanced rate for day to day living as they deem (!) that I don't need much help. However, because I can't walk very far, I do get the enhanced rate for mobility!
I found the Citizens Advice Bureau page on this very helpful when filling in the form. When you get to do this , ask us for advice, or look on the forum under topics and enter PIP advice. You will get many tips!
Good luck, it is worth it! xx
I got both fir 10 years as have A1AD and won't get any better.
Hello 😊 I’m sorry to hear that you get the enhanced rate for both, as it means your condition must be affecting your life badly.
I do hope you keep as well as you possibly can xx
It is hard, stay at home. But you just learn to adapt with everything. Especially when living alone with no family and friends. I have occasional befriender. Hope your well too x
I get enhanced for severe copd a1ad.
claim it before you reach retirement age, because after that you can’t claim pip or mobility allowance. Once you have got it you can keep it after retirement age
I find this so unfair that you can keep it after retirement age but can't apply for it after that age x
Sadly that has been and gone I am now 72 x
You should be able to get Attendance allowance, as Biker says no mobilty payment but still worth having...... It is for people of pension age or those who did not claim PIP or DLD before pension age.... LINK to AA
I think the problem with this Ern is it states that "Attendance Allowance helps with extra costs if you have a disability severe enough that you need someone to help look after you" which is not the case, I live alone and have to look after myself so don't think I would be able to claim and wonder if i would have been able to claim pip. Thank you for sending the link x
It doesn’t matter that you don’t actually receive any help right now, it’s whether you’d benefit from it. Two of my relatives live
alone and got it, and at the time it was granted neither of them had any paid care. You can spend the money however you like. Have a look at this
hi biker l put a claim in for attendance allowance a year and half ago ...l also have emphysema and had a lung lobectomy due to lung cancer ..l was first rejected !! l applied again 6 months later and was given the full amount due to my condition for the remainer of life ...if you are over state pension age that is the alternative to pip?
Hope you get what you need x