Hi, I’m just new on here and looking for advise or tips on how to cope with Long covid,( well that’s what I’ve been told by my GP’s that I have). I’m currently struggling to even do manual tasks at times as it seems to come and go which I’m finding really difficult to cope with as some days I feel I take 5 steps forward and then 10 steps back when it affects me. Prior to being like this I would of considered myself as being quite healthy but this has taken over my life for the last14 month.
Long covid: Hi, I’m just new on here... - Lung Conditions C...
Long covid

Has your GP referred you for Long Covid support.There is help available but I think a GP has to refer you .
Hiya ☺️ welcome 😊. I am surprised that your GP didn't refer you for support. I would give your GP another call and ask if there is support available in your area.Or call the Blf support here on this forum, you find the numbers on the tab About and all available numbers you can get advice.
So sorry to hear about your current situation. This is a good forum lots of lovely people here, who write about their problems and also cheering everyone up with some humour or lovely story's.
I hope you get the help you need. And you not alone here. Take care and stay safe and warm 🍀🍀😘
Hi, melnel has a good idea regarding calling BLF helpline. Its 03000 030555, UK office hours. I'm sure they'll have contact details of long covid support groups & they're medically qualified. My 7 yr old g'daughter has long covid so I deeply sympathise, life has beenhell for her & the family for over a year. They went private due to lack of support from NHS. My daughter has contact the one of the medical Royal Colleges long covid groups - RC? I cant remember which. BLF may know.I have CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) as well as lung issues. One of the most important things is to pace one's self. Very annoying when you've probably previously enjoyed a full life...imagine that you start the day or week with an envelope full of energy, once its used it's used & and can take weeks to replenish that envelope. Use a little then rest up, don't let yourself overdo it, I know its so hard to do, especially if you wake up feeling good & go on to do a big activity . I sometimes think its hard to get your head round, its as though the brain needs time to get used to this hopefully temporary you.
I take supplements to keep my immune system tip top to fight bugs. For the CFS, after much research, I take daily vitamin B6, the maximum daily dose of vitamin B12 and Ubiquinol 100mgs. It's helped so much i can't tell you but its important to check with a medical professional in case supplements aren't for you. Many many of us here with lung issues take a high daily dose of Vitamin as per medical advice.
Check out Dr John's YouTube clips. Theyre brilliant, I think he's done a short lecture on long covid recently. Put Dr John long covid in a search bar here or YouTube.
Wishing you the very best
youtube.com/watch?v=sUC32gU... Long Covid questions. This channel also has many long covid videos. youtube.com/c/RUNDMC1/playl...
Welcome to the forum. I hope you get some answers which will make your condition easier to manage.

Hi BoBelle1
Welcome to our forum.
I am sorry to hear about your struggles with long covid. I have added a link to our Post Covid Hub page. We run this in partnership with our sister charity Asthma UK. You can call the dedicated helpline number if you wish and speak to a specialist respiratory nurse who can advise you on post covid recovery.
There are clinics available and if you meet the criteria, you can ask for a referral from your GP. I have added a list of the clinics locations from the NHS webpage.
Take care
Hi and welcome bobelle1. Hope you get answers on how to treat/ cope with your health issues xx