Hi, I’m about 3 months into my bronchiectasis journey since my diagnosis earlier this year. My 3 month azithromycin trial went well and is now on my repeat prescription list (with it feels like a million other things )
I went for assessment for pulmonary rehab and the physio decided I’m too affected by long covid for pulmonary rehab right now. It’s well over a year since I had covid so I am a bit disappointed.
I am really struggling with 2 things still. 1 is holding my breath for the cycle breathing for chest clearing - my physio has me doing in for 2 hold for 2 take a little gasp in and breathe out which has made things easier
The other is tiredness. Doing the smallest thing sends my heart rate sky high, my colour goes and I’m breathless and dizzy. I always thought it was asthma related but my physio says it’s long covid. Has anyone any tips for managing energy levels/rest with asthma, bronchiectasis and long covid. This has me so completely floored and doesnt seem to be improving at all which is v frustrating.
sorry for being moany, I know I am lucky to be as well as I am otherwise, hugs to anyone who needs one , Emily xx