Sorry been very busy especially as I am slower nowadays.I am trying to get a move to sheltered type accomodation due to health deterrioration but selling and buying is a nightmare. Only other option is groundfloor flat. But its become an investors market they are coming from all areas. So properties in the lower end of the market are few and far between. I had my jab on Wednesday and like first time it made me feel quite ill aching joints ect but today it seems to be getting better. Hope everyone has been enjoying the sunshine , but it is still chilly overnight. No rain which is not good for gardens especially the spring plants.Have a nice weekend.
Latest bit of chat: Sorry been very... - Lung Conditions C...
Latest bit of chat

Good to hear from you Katie and I don’t envy you trying to move. I hope you can find a property to better suit your needs very soon. It’s a lovely day here but chilly in the shade. Enjoy your weekend. Xxxx
Best of luck finding a nice place to live; I can see it's not easy at the moment. I had to dig my watering can out the other day, as some of the plants in tubs were looking so pathetic. Hope you have a nice weekend. xxx
So glad you have had your 2nd jab Katie, hopefully you will find a perfect place in sheltered accommodation. Take good care and look after yourself.
With best wishes Katie for finding a suitable new home. I hope that something comes along soon to make daily living easier. xx
Hoping you find your new home soon. Lovely sunshine here but still chilly on a night Time. Take care Holly ❤️ x
I sympathise with you Katie, we are three floors up and fourteen steps to the loo.It`s a nightmare to get up to the house door, What I have done is to register with the council for Gold star housing (meaning that I should be given Priority status )
Even though we own our house, My theory is, If we get offered the right kind of house, we could move and let our kids sell our current house.
House prices in Edinburgh are so high they are almost touching the pearly gates... BUT. So am I.
Hi tomc, you have my thoughts with you. I can't get a loan from my council even to change the front access as I have over £6000 in my bank account. That doesn't even buy a decent motorised scooter. Many properties in Scotland have step access , we had a similar problem to you with one of our family living up your way. I think I can get council housing on health grounds but so many are waiting in this town even my own daughter, whose been a council tenant for around 35 years now.
Katie, It seems people with health problems are overlooked in Edinburgh in a lot of different ways. this ridiculous spaces for people, traffic management , housing the list is almost endless.
But as I said IF and it`s a big IF the right property comes up, I will chase it aggressively ..nothing short of grabbing them by the throat.. well maybe not, cause that wil wind me up in the big house, JAIL!!!
Hi Katie I hope you are getting some help looking for suitable housing and with the buying, selling and removals etc?
Good look hope find a place that’s just right for you 🤞 Cx
Sadly Chriskho, I have had no help its been a nightmare and still got two estate agents argueing who has the right. Its my house and I have specific needs for a move, at least a downstairs flat. My circumstances have not been easy but that is usually the case with older ,disabled people. I think there should be special estate agents for these things.
I hope things will turn out well for you and you find somewhere you’re happy and comfortable with. Good to hear from you. I hope you feel ok now after vaccine .
I was poorly after my first but fine after the 2nd.
Stay safe. 🙂
Hi Katie. I’m in a retirement apartment with an on site manager. I moved in with my late Husband what will be fifteen years this coming September. It’s a ground floor one but we do have a lift. It’s a Mc Carthy Stone apartment. Have you got one near you? They are purpose built for retirement. I’m always warm, the windows are cleaned for us and for a small fee they will do the inside ones. The gardens are maintained and always look good. I have a small patio which I can put a couple of pots. I’ve even got room for a small table and chair. There is a fee twice a year for ground rent and maintenance. It maybe worth a look.
Hello Mavary, some of the ones I am looking at are run by Midland Heart another housing Association. They are bungalows with on site services. Am familiar with Mcarthy & stone but their new ones are too dear for me. I get the ones I'm looking at maintained. Hope you are doing OK I have been on my own for 17 years now.
Hi Katie. I’ve been on my own for seven years now. I still miss him though. That sounds good to get your home maintained. I think that’s what we need as we get older. I did a bit of painting and had a couple of walls wallpapered a few years ago but it looks ok so that’s how it’s staying. Xx
Yes afraid to say many of us make do as we get older with decor, mines not bad but not modern style colours or furniture. But my homes a solid one ,good size for terrace, with all mod cons like central heating, ,double glazed, fitted kitchen walk in shower. Garden &patio no damp insulated new roof etc.
Crumbs, is it 7 years Mavis! Where does time go? Yes we miss them and learn to live anew way without them 🥰
Hi Peege. It’s been a lonely seven years. We did everything together and now I don’t want to go anywhere. My Youngest Son is very good and I know the others are there if I need them. How are you getting along?. X
And then you get a pandemic with enforced aloneness, very hard to keep ones pecker up. I'm not bad healthwise really compared with a few years ago. I moved away from London (and away from all things, my great gp practice, friends & people familiar). Less pollution here though. All my family are far away but I'm off to my bubble 180 miles away tomorrow for a few days so will have a lovely time with 1 & 5 year olds 😀, some more moments of joy to pack in the memory box . Take care M. ××× P
Good job you are away from all the pollution but you’ve given up a lot to be able to do that. I hope you’re having a wonderful time with the little ones. When I first looked after one of my Grandchildren I breathed a sigh of relief when her Mum came to pick her up. I think we had her from about 7.30am until 6.00-6.30 in the evening. Mike and I were shattered. I now miss all that as they are all growing up. After that they increased. At one time we were entertaining three of them. Have a lovely time and take care. XXX
Good luck with the house-hunting Katie - not easy, but hope you get something more suitable for yourself xx
Take care Katie. Moving home is sooo stressful. Hope you can find somewhere that’s more suitable and reasonable cost wise x
Oh, how challenging for you, to need to move but struggling to find the right place. Wishing you all the best in your flat hunting.
Katie I have a 1960 terrace but i could not get enough for it to be able to move when it becomes necessary . I had thought about getting chair lifts fitted ( three floors and I live up stairs) but I would need a walk in shower too. I couldn't go through all the hassle of moving to new neighbourhood. This year of being confined to my house has been awful and has really made me think about the future. Do you really have to move. ?
Jaybird19, it is frightening what the future might hold. My house is a large double bay terrace on a main through road with the inherant fumes from vehicles not helping the COPD I guess. I do not have to move other than the house making me housebound which is depressing. I cannot get people to do repairs even minor ones like refit a door handle, mow my lawn which is 30ft long. People seem to think all jobs can be done by computer these days and all house owners are millionaires. I can't even change a light bulb due to arthritis in my hands sadly there are thousands more out there like us. Thank goodness for long life bulbs & candles. I've been through the hassle too of having a stairlift fitted, the cost and the cost for removing it to move. plus cost of walk in shower which families don't want when buying your house. Nobody thinks of what things might be like when they grow old ,disabled and the like do they? I have been trying to move now since 2018 with just a load of hassle as well as medical issues, deaths of close family, coronavirus restrictions, loss of all my group contacts and freinds, and after trying again the same problems are occuring. I am now fed up of Investers just wanting to buy my house on the cheap for renting and leaving me possibly homeless after years of hard work to buy my home and keep it maintained. You possibly feel the same thanks for reply hope you find a solution . What about an outside lift to top floor ? A walk in shower or wet room costs from £5000 to £20,000 not sure what lifts might cost only stair lifts they are around £2,500 new much cheaper secondhand or refurbished. Hope that helps you consider.
Good evening, I really hope you manage to find the right place soon and that it’s not too stressful! It’s a big thing moving!
You too enjoy this lovely sunshine ☀️
Dee x
I know what you mean, selling my previous house and buying this bungalow was so stressful it made me feel really unwell, a lot of stress, would not want to do it again. I hope that you can find somewhere really nice and suit's your requirements better. Been chilly here today. Pleased you have had your 2nd jab, I had mine last Saturday, arm was painful at first but is now just tender but happy to be more protected. Take care and best wishes. xx