May I ask what the experience is on inhaling Colomycin please? I have been using this for a month now and how do I describe the lung clearance as being less than delightful - apologies, but this infection has been treated with IV’s and Infusions over two weeks, following up with Colomycin, then after a staph aureus infection, and now two weeks later, I now have Pseudomonas again. Tried Co-Amoxiclav and am now on Ciprofloxacin and still inhaling Colomycin.
I’m clearing lungs etc daily but the (sorry for graphics) sputum is absolutely foul. Still pain in lower lung and under shoulder blade.
Again, sorry for long post just feeling grotty.
I’d appreciate any ideas. It’s all complicated by uncontrolled asthma and these nebulising meds etc.
The hospital are really good and I feel that they are supportive but it’s just so long and on-going.
Keep well everyone and very safe.