I’ve been having chest pains for weeks ever since my c- section that are slowly getting worse and worse I’ve had all the tests under the sun on my heart and all came out fine except when I was having an echocardiogram they noticed I had a small pleural effusion but they don’t seem concerned at all but I’m still having these horrible chest pains that feel like pressure but also very sharp although it does feel like it is coming from my heart I’ve had all the tests and they say it’s fine but these pains are effecting my life now along with palpitations where my heart thumps I cannot tell if this is to do with the pleural effusion or my heart ??
Pleural Effusion : I’ve been having... - Lung Conditions C...
Pleural Effusion

Hi Ginger. It must be really worrying for you. You said you've had loads of tests. I don't know a huge amount about pleural effusion but my mum once had this and the doctor described it as fluid on the lung. She was given a diuretic and antibiotics which seemed to solve it. But bear in mind that was over 20 years ago. She also had a pulmonary embolism after an operation (only mentioning this because you said you had a c section). For that condition they gave her blood thinning injections to flush them away. Hope you can get it sorted.
Hi, I do worry about a PE as they really run in my family but the doctors won’t do a CT scan because I’m not breathless and oxygen levels are 99 so that means that I don’t have one apparently but as I’ve been to A&E several times about this they now do a quick ECG and send me home they seem to think everything is all in my head and it is really frustrating
Ask for a d- dimer blood test. Oxygen levels can be fine with Pulmonary Embolism. If you are on FB their are a number of support groups for Pulmonary Embolism where you can ask peoples symptoms and their Sats at diagnosis. I had a PE with normal oxygen levels but it took many weeks and A snd E visits to get diagnosed. I asked for the D Dimer blood test which was positive they then CT scanned. Go to a different A and E if needed and insist on the simple blood test or ask your GP to do the test.
Oh wow! I didn’t know they could go on for weeks what where your symptoms? I’m definitely going back and insisting on one and to be checked over again
The body usually breaks then down in 6 weeks but they can be there for months. My respiratory consultant thinks I had more than the one that was eventually found. You need anti coagulants to prevent more forming or any you may have getting larger. I would insist on a D Dimer test which if high could indicate embolisms and lead to CT scan.
Obviously no one can diagnose online. Small pleural effusions can happen post surgery and can cause pain. Anyone who as had pleurisy will testify to that. Most will gradually resolve on their own without any intervention. From my own experience rest is the answer but with a new baby that is easier sad than done.
I had bilateral pleural effusions when I had kidney problems & retained excess fluid. It made my chest feel very heavy & painful. So sorry you still having bad pain. It sounds like they have ruled out Cardiac problems or PE Have you got a raised temperature at all just wondering whether the fluid has got infected?? Usually small effusions resolve and don't need treatment only if causing breathlessness. Hope you get some resolution soon
Hi, no I don’t have a temp but it seems the longer I leave this the worse it’s getting the pain is now so bad especially when I wake up from sleeping it feels so achy and sharp so I think back to A&E and hopefully won’t send me home saying it’s in my head again it
Hoping they'll do a Chest X-ray
Me too !!
Chest x ray does not show PE’s.
Just found that one out by google im just worried because my local hospital have written on my notes that I’m diagnosed with anxiety so every time I go they now keep saying it’s in my head so I’m tempted to just go to a different one
Xray will show any fluid in lungs i e pleural effusion or infection
This sounds very worrying for you Gingerspice, i do hope you get it sorted quickly, you have enough worries being a mum x
Did you go to A and E x
I didn’t go yesterday but I am in A&E right now waiting to be seen so I will keep you updated x
I hope you get some help today xx