Advice please re priority/vulnerable ... - Lung Conditions C...

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Advice please re priority/vulnerable vaccine groups

Glen1677 profile image
26 Replies

I'm 54, live in Scotland and in late 2018 had a spiro test after collapsing at work, I was diagnosed as severe Stage 4 COPD. A few weeks later I was having frequent chest pains and referred to a cardiologist. From Oct 2018 to Oct 2020 I've had 15-20 ambulance admissions to A&E with chest pains and I had a heart attack in Feb 2019. Last visit for cardio outpatients was three weeks ago.

Lungs wise all I've ever had is the initial spiro test in late 2018 and pulmonary rehab in summer 2019. I went from level 3 at first session to level 6 at last session on the beep test but struggled since with the repeated heart problems. Some days I struggle to hold a phone conversation as I get breathless through talking. My inhaler was changed from red Anora Ellipta to Trimbow in January last year.

My GP fouled up last year and I wasn't put on the shielding list and couldn't register for covid support. I didn't receive a shielding letter and I haven't had anything about shielding this year either. I have tried several times to contact my GP to ask if I'm on the shielding/vulnerable list but not getting an answer. Today I tried again and just kept being referred to the nhs inform website and told, by the receptionist I will be called with everyone else in my age group. As that's group 9 of 9 I'll be right at the back of the list. I want to find out which group I'm in as I feel I should be up with the group 4 "all those 70 years of age and over and clinically extremely vulnerable individuals". The NHS inform online chat is not currently online as staff are on Covid duties, the nhs inform phone helpline is just to book a flu jab.

I'm get really frustrated and stressed not being able to speak to anyone who will listen and give me a straight answer to the question "am I on the shielding list?" It seems that my GP has overlooked me twice as I've never had letters, I can't get past the receptionists when I phone and today it's got to the point where the chest pains are starting up and I'm on the GTN spray far too much.

Sorry for the rant but I'm really hacked off with it today, I could happily stick a website address down the throat of someone in a surgery not too far away. I just don't know what to do next.

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Glen1677 profile image
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26 Replies
Bevvy profile image

Why are you letting receptionists block your access to GPs? When you phone ask for a gp appointment. When they ask why say is something personal... or issues with COPD. This way you can discuss issues with a Gp. Is only a Gp or hospital doctor who can sort out who on shielding list.

Glen1677 profile image
Glen1677 in reply to Bevvy

I'm not letting them block me, they just refer me to nhs inform and end the call. I've asked for a call back from my gp for a follow up after my last hospital admission but getting nowhere with that either.

The practice doesn't have a website or fb page though the others in the same centre do and they've all started call ups for group 2. In the last few months my practice seems to be getting far worse in almost every respect. I had to hound for a flu jab whereas normally they throw them at me as soon as they land on the doormat.

NannyNooNoo profile image

Could you write a letter to your GP, stating your concerns? Mention your recent health history, and that you feel you should be on the vulnerable list; and finish by asking your GP to arrange an appointment to discuss.

I wrote to mine a while ago (different situation); but I detailed what I wanted and why; he rang me within a couple of days, and provided exactly what I asked for. I kept the letter and our conversation very polite and friendly, and was pleased with the outcome. I dont think I would have achieved it in phone calls to the surgery.

Glen1677 profile image
Glen1677 in reply to NannyNooNoo

Good thinking, in a world of websites and call menus it's easy to forget the "old fashioned" way.

Lesleyr14 profile image

You need to keep calling to make an appointment; you can tell the receptionist its for something else when they ask, it may get you an appointment quicker; you also need to make a formal complaint to the practice manager, failing that, go to the NHS ombudsman!

I also live in Scotland (Grampian), and although my COPD is classed as mild, so I'm not on the sheilding list, I have been getting regular appointments with my GP for on-going chest pains etc.

I was advised not have pulmonary rehab as I have left bundle branch block, and they don't yet know what's been causing the chest pains, as I am still waiting for some tests; there seems to be a backlog from last August!

Having COPD and asthma, and having the flu jab every year for at least 10 years, also being 57yrs old, I presume I am in the high risk group but not extemely high risk; therefore in group 5 or 6, and I would have thought you would be the same.

You need to persevere with trying to get a doctor's appointment.

Maricopa profile image

Am I to understand that you weren’t aware of anything wrong until you collapsed???

Glen1677 profile image
Glen1677 in reply to Maricopa

I was an HGV driverand had the mandatory DVLA medicals and annual medicals through my employer. Nothing had been picked up although none of them are really in depth, one employer did 3 monthly lung capacity tests as we moved bulk powders.

I was doing regular long distance bike rides and such, then Aug 2018 collapsed at work. There had been no warnings prior to that and the last medical was about 8 months before. It was put down as heat stroke which given the weather was understandable though my GP found the low pulse rate the following week, ordered an ECG and referred me to a cardiologist when she saw the results. Since then that GP has left and I'm back with the senior GP.

Maricopa profile image
Maricopa in reply to Glen1677

That just amazes me a person could be stage 4 before being diagnosed !!!

normannippy profile image

Hello GlenMy first thought was that you should change your GP practice as they don’t seem to be efficient in the least.

I received some kind advice on this site as I also find that I am no longer receiving letters re shielding despite being classified as extremely vulnerable in the first lockdown. I have tried to contact my lung consultant via his secretary. Could you do this with your cardio secretary and your lung consultant’s secretary?

My next step is to write to my GP practice to find out which group I am in (as they don’t welcome calls at present). You could try that.

Good luck

Biker88 profile image

In England the original shielding list was produced by PHE based on a data sort of hospital records looking at prescribed medication. Any one not on the specific medication did not get on the list. My GP didn’t want to know at first so I had to self register on the Gov list. PHE then contacted me to ask me to get my GP to confirm my registration. At first I kept getting blocked by the receptionist who was not passing my request to the GP. Eventually my wife submitted a request to the GP which got passed the receptionist and my GP confirmed that is was clinically extremely vulnerable straight away. Since then I have remained in the extremely clinically vulnerable category and relieved the relevant letters and emails. If you have problems with your GP you could try your consultant

Bronchi1 profile image

That really doesn't sound good enough! I'm in Scotland , I'm shielded and I'm receiving letters from the Scottish government and texts advising me what to do. It all happened without me doing anything but I attend the local respiratory clinic. I thought it was GPs who should put your name forward for shielding status. Failing that I suggest you write to Dr Gregor Smith, interim Chief Medical Officer, St Andrew's House , Regent Road, Edinburgh EH1 3DG. National helpline number is 0800 111 4000 .

Good luck...

Glen1677 profile image
Glen1677 in reply to Bronchi1

I was under the impression initial shielding was based on prescribed medication at Nov 2019 and my inhaler wasn't on the list though I do have one now that is. Even so my COPD diagnosis, Cardiac diagnosis and heart attacks all predate Nov 2019 anyway,

Are those the generic government letters though or a specific shielding letter personal to you? I couldn't register with the Covid support text service last year and just get the generic letters that come to each household with no name or address on them.

Bronchi1 profile image
Bronchi1 in reply to Glen1677

Specific to me

COPD123491 profile image

Some receptionists take too much on themselves. If they ask me what is wrong I usually ask them where they studied to get their medical degree.

Ergendl profile image
Ergendl in reply to COPD123491

Love it!

garshe profile image

Ypu said you went to Pulmonary Rehab, this is the Respiratory team. These call me every week and I have their phone no. I never contact my GP as my Team work with my Consultant. They are marvellous . Just had blood tests at home by them. It's so reassuring to have their support. Find out who your Respiratory team are in your area.good luck . xxSheila

Glen1677 profile image
Glen1677 in reply to garshe

There's been no contact since that finished in Sep 2019. I've only ever had one spiro test and that was about 12 months before that Sep or Oct I forget which, when originally diagnosed with COPD.

I had 5 heart attacks in 2019 between Feb and November, 3 in Feb-May, cardio and spiro rehab July-Sep then the last two HA's were about 7 weeks apart in Oct and Nov.

In recent months I've noticed I'm worse now than I've been at any point in the past. I'm on the top floor and could manage the stairs albeit puffing like a train, now I'm lucky to make a flight at a time without a break.

tomc profile image

I KNOW THAT THE RECEPTIONISTS INSCOTLAND HAVE TOO MUCH TO SAY.I live in Edinburgh and I constantly argue with mine That is a personal matter and none of her non qualified business.

This in my opinion is an infringement of privacy.

But, I suppose they are trying to cut down un necessary appointments, Still I and others think that people like us should be red listed as Vulnerable patients should not have to go through the trial of saying to receptionist WELL MY WILLY`S FELL OFF!

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to tomc

This isn't a recent thing here in England but all the same a damned annoying one. Here, as I understand it, the interrogation on the part of the receptionists is an effort to streamline the practice, save time, and generally keep time-wasters from the doctors door. In principle it seems a sound and sensible approach but we all know a little power in some people's hands is not altogether the best idea! I agree with you tomc, my business is with the doctor not the receptionists and never will be! If I want to speak to my doctor I ring my community nurse and ask her to arrange it for me and she gladly does! Apparently the first time she did this for me, the the voice on the end of the phone asked her who was she ringing up for and what was the problem! She was told in no uncertain terms that that information was confidential and as long as she held that position, it would always remain so! She's b......dy brilliant and saves me having a meltdown!

tomc profile image

That`s brilliant, Unfortunately for me, My community nurse is as big a pain in the royal rear end.

The hospital said you are marked as vulnerable and that should be on the receptionists computer but he did agree with the point you made as time wasters.

I just say now .. it is to do with my SEVERE COPD... and if she persists with her inquiry i then ask to speak to the centre manager... she soon backs off.

In fairness, the long serving last receptionist knew me well and just used to say, Right Tom lets see when I can get you in quickly.

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to tomc

Yes, it certainly takes all sorts but it's still not right for us to have to continually fight the system, get worked up when they tell you stress makes your breathing worse! Best wishes anyway 😀

tomc profile image

A healthy Year to you also. Nice talking to you.


Patk1 profile image

Id ring gp tomoz,tell recetionist its yr heart.then u can talk to dr about heart,gtn,anxiety etc

Kristicats profile image

Write to your GP and put Urgent on the envelope . Get someone to take it to the surgery. Mention in the letter that you will be looking for support from your MP?

Karenanne61 profile image

I worked for a gp surgery for a very short time. We were asked by the doctors to ask callers the reason for their wanting an appointment. The list was then triaged by a clinician. I hated asking so if a patient hesitated I would say "I'll just put down personal shall I Mr Jones." I felt that information was between a patient and their doctor.

Glen1677 profile image

Well today I finally got an answer from Public Health Scotland via email.....I am not, and never have been on the shielding list at any time. I did send a copy of the letter my GP sent to me last year and PHS suggest the reason is my GP simply sent the letter to me and not forward that to PHS themselves.

I'm seriously thinking about an official complaint about the GP. I work on the theory anyone can make a mistake once but the second time it's a choice. A diagnosis and prescribed inhalers for 28 months and nothing to tell me I'm at greater risk; that just feels like someone really didn't bother too much.

I'm still not on the list but the GP knows now I'm aware of what has, and hasn't been done,

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