Hello my lovelies, many thanks for all your messages, support and kindness.
One tired bunny here, last appointment (I had 4) was an hour and a half late, I know it can't be helped but I did get a bit emotional and fed up. Anyway, things haven't changed that much which was a relief, breathing bad because I have an infection again so on the good old antibiotics. They are diagnosing NSIP which I don't know much about, does anyone have any information on this please? The steroids aren't doing a lot of good so the team are having a consultation and want to see me again in a months time. I think there is another medication you can take for this problem. Also the steroids are playing havoc with my other health conditions, especially mental health, and making me paranoid (nothing new there then lol).
Feel a lot better thanks to you all, keep safe and take good care of yourselves.
Love and Hugs, Kimlu xxx