Now my mind has cleared (this is for informational purposes only as they say lol ) I saw "mos" my transplant consultant yesterday and what an honest and open guy he was about my condition .He stated the two reasons as far as I'm concerned for having a transplant is a), extension of life and b), quality of life .Apparently I'm a very good risk for transplant and he would have no qualms in ordering the plumbers ( surgeons) to do the OP. I wont go into to much detail but because of my previous good health and my robustness now ( now that made me laugh) I should benefit from a transplant in quality of life .
As to a), if I stay as I am the transplant wont offer me any extension of life ( he could only reasonably expect to offer me 5yrs of life after transplant and b), he could if ( and there was 3 if's) certain criteria were met offer an improvement in quality of life but that quality might shorten it .
Isnt it funny how life or death decisions get very personal very quickly ,i have for now declined the offer and I'm still on the " wait and see " list anyway long story short I have a new appointment in 6mths time ,I've been told to keep doing what I'm doing especially the excercises
Whilst there a lady from cambridge university ,( I allowed her to sit in on part of the appointment ) the winton centre risk and evidence communication dept asked if I would be part of study which will help them ( in conjunction with papworth hospital) personalise a online calculator which will help patients referred for transplant assess their risks and benefits of transplant, hopefully this tool will be much clearer and easier to refer to than trying to remember everything that is said whilst you see the transplant specialist.
She or one of her colleagues will visit me at home ( the enticement was a £10 amazon voucher lol) or another location if I wish , coffee shop or in a hospital , I asked if they could meet me in Jamaica but that wasnt gonna happen , well if you dont ask you dont get ,
Time to stop jawing now
Have a good day everyone , enjoy the sun but not if you're on certain antibiotics and as always breath easy .