As some of you know my husband, Geoff ,was rushed into hospital on the 4th and a traumatic 20 hours followed (please see previous post). Since then he seems to have received excellent treatment, numerous tests done and treatments given, despite staff shortages on the wards . Geoff was sent home on the 14th, he was so elated to be home and obviously feeling so much better , he felt he could do this that and the other ! I thought I would give it a few days before giving an update ( as promised) so I would have a more realistic view of the situation, so here’s where I think we are now I’ve had no discussion with any health professional so I can only say what Geoff has told me and what I’ve gathered from his discharge notes So the good news is that , unlike his last stay in hospital which was due to respiratory failure , this was exacerbation of the emphysema. Last time his life was saved, he was stabilised and sent home , this time there was a lot of testing and investigation going on. He is in much better shape now than he was when he returned home last time , almost two years ago , his badly swollen legs have been sorted ,he is sleeping through at night for about 6 hours now as opposed to 1 -2 ,his concentration is better and he is feeling much more upbeat than he has been for some time The downside is that Geoffs enthusiasm was a little over the top as he is still very breathless whenever he moves about and the notes show a problem with his heart which will be followed up by the heart failure team . Some years ago we were told the right side of his heart was slightly enlarged but nothing to be concerned about so I presume this has become more of a problem . I have absolutely no knowledge regarding heart problems associated with emphysema so some of you might have some advice for me on that one ? The main thing , as far as I’m concerned is that Geoff is comfortable , cheerful and able to have some quality of life . I’m not unduly concerned with life span so much as life enjoyed - yesterday he enjoyed a sirloin steak with fried onions , mushrooms and chips , took a while to get through it but he soldiered on and loved it 💪😂. Thanks once again for all the good wishes etc , the support here has been invaluable to us xxxx
Update on hubby: As some of you know my... - Lung Conditions C...
Update on hubby

This is brilliant news,so pleased he is feeling better and at home 🏘️ please keep us up dated and give h our best wishes. Have a good night and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
Many thanks for the update. Heart issues aside, that is such good news and also good to know that he received such good care while in hospital with many problems addressed. I'm so pleased that he is sleeping better and feeling better in himself. Best wishes to you both xx
Thank you 😊 hope you are keeping well too xx
I was thinking of you and your hubby earlier so am delighted to see your post. Geoff sounds a bit like Pete who thinks he’s Superman sometimes but if he’s happy doing things when he can, I don’t stop him. It seems as if Geoff is so pleased to be home and I’m glad he received good treatment. Pete has one side of his heart, not sure which, that is enlarged and has had two heart attacks. He has been stented but the second time they couldn’t get through to stent him. He had a perfusion test and the conclusion was that his heart was coping well.
Pete has the bronchitis side of COPD but I agree quantity of life is very important. He’s 70 now and we’re so pleased he got to that. I’m sure Geoff and Pete will be around for a while longer yet so we make the most of every day.
Love and hugs to you both. Xx💝🤗💜👍
Thanks sassy , they do sound very similar, Geoff is happiest when he is fixing something , his days of knocking interior walls down are over but he still likes doing bits of easy diy and if he’s up to it I let him get on with it too. I’m glad to hear things can be done about the heart issues , I’ll have more info once the heart team get in touch but Geoff said after the heart scan the consultant spoke to him and didn’t seem unduly concerned, said it was just as they would have expected given his condition 😊 Agree with you entirely -enjoy the good days and be thankful for the support that gets us through the bad ones 🙏 Love n hugs to you and Pete 🥰🥰 xxxx
O wow good news but yes my hubby was told by the oncologist that he may have blocked arteries to his heart but noone else has mentioned it, and my hubby enjoyed DIY but he now has to be the supervisor to who ever is doing the jobs including myself lol xx
So pleased for you both. He does seem to have been well treated. There are those here who have pulmonary hypertension as a result of lung conditions. Often mild and stable but we are not doctors, I am only saying this as I picked up your anxiety about any heart concerns.Push for more answers.
All the best
Kate xx
Thanks Kate , there’s no mention of pulmonary hypertension on his discharge notes although there are about five other things mentioned that I’ve never heard of and when I looked into them they all sounded very complicated but not immediately life threatening, in fact one of them is quite common , rarely troublesome and without symptoms 🤷🏻♀️ It says they have requested follow up by the heart failure team in the community so we shall see . Geoff already takes meds for blood pressure and hasn’t been prescribed anything other than his usual meds plus Bumetanide which I believe is for water retention ? I’m not really anxious tbh , if he looks and seems well I don’t tend to worry about what might be - got enough with what is 😂 x
Glad to hear he seems to be doing well, and that there are plans in place. Makes the world of difference when you see your OH improving! I always like it when mine starts to say he’s getting bored of sitting around - I know he’s on the mend then!
It’s really hard watching someone suffer isn’t it ? Quite often your worrying about them Sometimes you lose patience and even if you don’t let it show you then feel guilty. Sometimes you worry about your own future . There’s so much more involved than you can imagine when your both well but thankfully we have support and as you said seeing an improvement is wonderful 😊 xx
Gd to read yr look after yrself too x
That's great news And with other things in place, hopefully may even get better! I wish you both the best xx
So good to hear he s back at home, and eating what he wants to, as you say a happy time, may it long continue.
That's all lovely and positive, you must be made up to have him home 😃
So glad Geoff is home again, and I hope keeps reasonably well . All the best x
So glad to hear Geoff got through his steak and chips. I wish I could eat my meals with less pace! Thanks so much for the update. Good news has a ripple effect on this forum.
Hello Thepainters wife. Could you possibly tell what is causing the swollen legs and feet please. Thankyou.
I can’t really bobbysgirl as I haven’t spoken to a professional yet due to the no visitors rule at the hospital On the discharge notes there are references to both the heart and the kidneys and I’m of the opinion that it was kidney function that was causing the problem, he was on iv meds to get the fluid moving and the only extra medication he was sent home with was water tablets and they have requested follow up test for urea and electrolytes in two weeks xx
So pleased to hear hubby is home also after such a positive hospital experience. Good luck and best wishes x
Excellent news, and I'm glad that he was sorted out in hospital! So glad to hear this.
That’s good news, and good to know your husband got better care this time. Long may he continue eating those great feasts 😊
Hi, I am so pleased that the hospital has been so thorough and that Geoff is getting benefits from that. I agree wholeheartedly with your view that quality of life is so important. I send you both my warmest wishes and hope you continue to enjoy your time together. John

Glad to hear Geoff is home safe.Take care
It's so good to hear that Geoff has some enthusiasm for life again - even if he is too breathless to do as much as he would like. It's lovely, too, that he can enjoy his food! As you said yourself, it's not so much about life expectancy but more about the quality of it for however long he has, so I love the fact that he now has some quality back! No doubt this must also make you feel better.
Thanks so much for the update. Best wishes to you both. xx Moy
That’s so good to hear about Geoff feeling more enthusiasm in general. Good treatment in hospital has such a positive effect on homecoming. You sound as if you help so much to keep Geoff’s energy balance Do take care of your’s also and enjoy yourselves. Thanks for the update.
Thank you Grace , I’m always aware of the importance of caring for myself as I have not only Geoff but two dogs who depend on me entirely and I do think what would happen to all of them if anything happened to me 🙈 I’m also aware how bad stress is for both patient and carer ( whilst Geoff was in hospital I developed a UTI which I think was entirely stress induced - fortunately quickly cured by copious amounts of water ) So now we are relatively stress free we ll make the most of it 😊 xx
Really pleased that he is a lot better in terms of how your OH feels. I agree with what you say about having some quality of life rather than longevity. It's really hard seeing loved ones suffering when there's nothing you can do to make it better. My husband had a lung transplant at the end of June and whilst he has a long way to go he is so much better than he was and is able to at least enjoy a meal and a potter around the house which he couldn't do before. Seeing him smile at something is great to see. Good luck to your OH in the further investigations and to you of course.
Thanks Biofreak I’m so pleased to hear about your husband , hopefully he will continue to improve 😃 but as you said living with someone who is relatively content and smiling despite life not being perfect is so much easier than watching someone suffering . Good luck for the future to both of you 👍 xx
So pleased to hear things are so much more positive and life is more comfortable and enjoyable. You have both had a tough time. Good luck and very best wishes.
Very positive news - you must both be thrilled. Hope any heart problems can be managed well. I agree with you about quality of life over longevity if there's no quality x
Great to hear that your husband is home and in a much better place than he has been for so long. Sounds as though he has a new lease of life which is very encouraging and I hope this continues for him. Take care. Carol xxx😊
Thats good to hear and i hope he keeps being stronger.Take care if yourself too. Jill xxx
So delighted that your hubby is feeling better.Holding you both in my thoughts and prayers
So pleased that things are better. I too am feeling better after stay in hospital where they've sorted out my oxygen at last and I can actually do a few things for myself. Sending hugs and good wishes to you both.Penny
That’s so good to hear Penny , goes to show get the right treatment and life can improve ! 😊 hugs n wishes to you too Val xx
Wonderful news that hubby was treated well and properly looked after this time. Its surprising what difference this makes to how well you feel and fantastic news that he enjoyed his steak and chips. Sleeping well also makes a huge difference to how you feel so lets hope his sleep pattern stays on the right path. I am sure all this also helps you to feel well . Long may it continue x
Totally agree Izb , we know there’s no miracle cure and Geoffs not a young man but being given the right treatment by a hospital doctor who was so thorough and caring has given him some quality of life back that he thought was gone forever 😊 xx
So glad he feels better 🐞
Thanks for the update. Gosh no wonder he was pleased to be home - sirloin steak 😋. I’m pleased he’s able to enjoy the finer things in life now. Take care. X
He won’t be enjoying them very often -I don’t eat meat and tho I’ve always said I don’t mind buying and cooking whatever he wants at £6 per steak he ll have to be at deaths door before he gets another ! 😂🤣 xx
Very, very happy Geoff is so much better. Thank goodness. xx 🙋🐕