Well had the week from hell at least 4 damm side effects after taking this tablet doc said come of it for 4 days then try again if u get same side effects it's the tablet nothing else really !!!!!! Severe headache muscle cramps feel sick facial flushing am I going back on these I'll wait till all hell freezes over first now I'm really struggling to breathe another phone call to doc said try deep breathing exercises well that will do it won't it told me to phone a ambulance if I really struggle anymore wouldn't come out I don't want to go into hospital said they would give me nebuliser without going in well they wouldn't last time is it mean or has the caring gone these days doc said go on antibiotics and steroids I am going to London for some tests including breathing tests on the 1st Oct but last time I had these tests done I couldn't have them if I had steroids for during the last month so don't know what to do I've taken first antibiotic today any advice please sorry about long text
Indampamide side effects : Well had the... - Lung Conditions C...
Indampamide side effects

Do you have access to a respiratory helpline ?
Is it the indapamide, or the amlodipine causing these side effects? If you look up the side effects of the two drugs, you will see amlodipine is the more likely culprit.
I was on indapamide only
It's possible to check the side effects of all your meds online; Look for the manufacturer's information sheet first as these will be less sensationalist. Wishing you all the best.
Yes from tablets well I have struggling with my breathing since Sunday phoned docs Mon wouldn't come out said take antibotics and steroids I'm having breathing tests on the 1st Oct they won't do them if I've been on steroids so just took antibotics but struggled to breathe still so called 111 out they sent ambulance blood pressure bit raised ECG good said I could go to hospital but they won't do anything watch me for a few hours then tell me I can go home anyway paramedics spoke to a doctor at my doctor's surgery said my doc would phone in the morning and come out if I need him too I told paramedics they wouldn't come out yesterday so won't hold my breathe I will have to try another blood pressure tablet but don't want any more problems why can't they take me in for a couple of days try new meds make sure I'm ok with them then send me home feel so scared to try new meds after side effects last time